The purpose of the Journal of Green Building is to present the very best peer-reviewed research in green building design, construction, engineering, technological innovation, facilities management, building information modeling, community planning, and landscape architecture
The purpose of the Journal of Green Building is to present the very best peer-reviewed research in green building design, construction, engineering, technological innovation, facilities management, building information modeling, and community and urban planning. The Research section of the Journal of Green Building publishes peer-reviewed articles in the fields of engineering, architecture, construction, construction management, building science, facilities management, landscape architecture, interior design, urban and community planning, and all disciplines related to the built environment. In addition, the Journal of Green Building offers the following sections: Industry Corner that offers applied articles of successfully completed sustainable buildings and landscapes; New Directions in Teaching and Research that offers guidance from teachers and researchers on incorporating innovative sustainable learning into the curriculum or the likely directions of future research; and Campus Sustainability that offers articles from programs dedicated to greening the university campus.
Submission of Research Articles for Peer Review
Initial submittal of papers for the peer review process should be sent via email as a PDF attachment. It is important that two versions of the research paper are submitted: 1) a PDF with the authors’ names present and 2) a PDF with the authors’ names absent. The second version is essential to keep the review process anonymous. Papers should be addressed to the attention of the Journal of Green Building, Publisher, and emailed to
Submission of Industry Corner, Campus Sustainability and New Directions in Teaching and Research Articles
Initial submittal of industry papers can be sent via email as a PDF attachment. Papers should be addressed to the Publisher, Journal of Green Building, and emailed to
Submission of Manuscript Accepted for Publication
If your paper is selected for publication, then your final submission should be emailed as attachments in both PDF and native formats (native formats are described immediately below under Text). Our production department requires your native formats to manipulate text, while the PDF files will offer an accurate visual reference and possibly serve as a source for text and/or images if the native files are problematic. In your email, list the files attached and the software packages used to create those files. If our production department has difficulty working with your emailed files, or if your files are too large to email, then we may request the use of a common file transfer program, like WeTransfer or Dropbox. Email your paper for publication to the attention of the Journal of Green Building, Publisher, at
Note that for your paper to be published, you will need to print out and fax a signed copy of our release form. You may fax this release form to (804) 364-8408, or you may email a scanned copy to Also note that the corresponding author may sign on behalf of his or her coauthors.
Text files should be prepared in a common word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, and saved as native Word files (.doc) or Rich Text files (.rtf). Files should be provided both in native format and saved as a generic format such as Rich Text, PDF, or ASCII.
Text should be formatted in a single column. Use the style feature of your word processing program to format headings, extracts, etc. Figures, tables, and boxes should appear exactly where you want them to fall; you can insert page breaks as needed to keep them from breaking awkwardly across pages. Avoid using text boxes, as these can be lost in conversion to the typesetting program.
*The maximum length for papers is 10,000 words.
Tables should be prepared using the programs table feature, with all columns and headings aligned as you wish them to appear in the final form. Tables should be numbered sequentially, and should be referenced by number in the text.
*The maximum number of tables is 10.
Simple in-line equations should be set as text, with italic, bold, superscript, and subscript formatting as needed. More complex built-up equations (i.e., those with numerator and denominator) can be created using Word's Equation Editor.
Graphics should be embedded within the word processing file, and should also be submitted as separate files. All figures should be numbered sequentially, and should be referenced by number within the text. Graphics files should be named with the author or article name and the figure number (for example, Smith_fig6.eps or Straw_fig10.tif).
Graphics should be sized to a maximum width of 6 inches (36 picas) and a maximum depth of 7 inches (42 picas). Type within graphics should be at least 6 point, and should be set in a sans serif font such as Helvetica.
Vector-based graphics (line art) should be prepared in black only, with no colors. Screens may be used to distinguish areas, such as pie chart segments. Adjacent screens should have a minimum 10% difference in value; e.g., do not set an area filled with a 15% screen next to an area filled with 20%. In line graphs, use dashed and dotted lines to distinguish curves. Lines within art should have a minimum thickness of 0.5 point.
Photographs should be supplied at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Scans of line art (e.g., maps or blueprints) should be saved at a minimum resolution of 800 dpi. When selecting photographs, consider how they will appear as grayscale; good contrast is essential.
Preferred graphics formats for line art are eps and pdf; preferred formats for photos and other scans are eps and tiff. Photos can also be supplied as jpgs; however, be sure they are saved at sufficient resolution (i.e., minimum 600 dpi). Web-quality jpgs are usually 72 dpi, and are not acceptable for print.
*The maximum number of graphics/figures is 15.