The Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies (ajE-Bs) is an international interdisciplinary Open Access Journal, published quarterly. It aims to publish selected papers presented at the AcE-Bs (Asian Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies) held in Asian countries, and AicE-Bs (Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies) held in non-Asian countries. The double-blind peer-reviewed papers focus on the interrelationship of human behaviour with the environment. Publ. by e-IPH.
The ajE-Bs is an international multidisciplinary Open Access Journal which adheres to the BOAI definition of open access: that users have the right to ‘read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles’. It is currently indexed in the SCIENCEOPEN. It publishes double-blind peer-reviewed, original research articles relating to Environment-Behaviour issues affecting the Asian communities living in both the Asian and non-Asian countries, worldwide. Successful articles published had attained an equivalent minimum score of 90% for the English Language and Similarity Index (Plagiarism) of not more than 30%, based on Grammarly. Articles should be about 4,500 words (excluding References) to be submitted as per the Journal Template together with the non-refundable Article Submission Charge @ USD50.00 per article. The Article Processing Charge (Publication Fees) is @ USD150 per article, for successful article to be published. Commencing 2018 the ajE-Bs shall be published bimonthly. Published by e-IPH Ltd UK.