The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed papers in photovoltaic solar energy conversion, high efficiency cells: materials for optical trapping, etc.
(publ. by EDP Sciences)
EPJ Photovoltaics is an Open Access journal which publishes original, peer-reviewed papers focused in the field of photovoltaic solar energy conversion. Authors in the field of crystalline, polycrystalline, thin film (silicon, CIGS, organic) and third generation PV are called to submit their research letters and regular articles for a fast publication and broad audience (open access). The journal will also promote interaction with research topics related to high efficiency cells such as materials and structures for optical trapping, third generation concepts. Moreover, we aim to establish solid links with the research activities in the field of modules, systems and PV deployment.
EPJ Photovoltaics is an all-electronic journal which takes full benefit of the strong capabilities of internet: