International Polymer Processing

International Polymer Processing (IPP), the journal of the Polymer Processing Society, offers original research contributions, invited review papers and recent technological developments in processing thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and fibers as well as polymer reaction engineering (published by Hanser).

Collection details

About International Polymer Processing


International Polymer Processing offers original research contributions, invited review papers and recent technological developments in processing thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and fibers as well as polymer reaction engineering. For more than 25 years International Polymer Processing, the journal of the Polymer Processing Society, provides strictly peer-reviewed, high-quality articles and rapid communications from the leading experts around the world.

Editor: Polymer Processing Society



Polymer Processing Society


Online Access für PPS Members
If you belong to PPS, you are entitled to access the IPP journal online. This access is restricted to personal members, no institutional access allowed. Contact PPS for instructions on how to activate this privilege.


PPS Membership Application
Annual Meeting
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Submission Conditions and Editorial Manager

Editorial Manager is an online submission and review system. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor.

Documents:   Author Instructions (PDF)



Open Access

International Polymer Processing offers authors the opportunity to present their articles to the general public in a freely accessible manner. If you are interested in contributing, please contact





Editor-in-Chief and Editor for Europe, Middle East & Africa:

José A. Covas

Institute for Polymers and Composites

Department of Polymer Engineering

University of Minho

4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal

Tel. +351 253510-320

Fax +351 253510-339



Associate Editor for the Americas:

Marianna Kontopoulou

Department of Chemical Engineering

Queen's University

Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Canada

Tel. +1 613 533-3079

Fax +1 613 533-6637



Associate Editor for East Asia and Australia:

Toshihisa Kajiwara

Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyushu University
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku
Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Tel. +81 92 802-2746
Fax +81 92 802-2796


Subscriber Support:



Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Kolbergerstr. 22

D-81679 München





Collection Information