AWWA Water Science

AWWA Water Science is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original, refereed research on the science, engineering, and social aspects of water. AWS explores theoretical, experimental, and practical approaches that advance fundamental understanding and application of all aspects of water works and any source water that could conceivably become a potable water supply.



Collection details

AWWA Water Science




Launched in January 2019, AWWA Water Science is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original, refereed research on the science, engineering, and social aspects of water. It explores the theoretical, experimental, and practical approaches that advance fundamental understanding and application of all aspects of waterworks and any source water that could conceivably become a potable water supply.

AWS serves as an international forum for knowledge exchange and innovation. With the launch of this new scholarly journal, AWWA will cease publishing peer-reviewed content in Journal AWWA (although research from AWS will still be mentioned in the Journal). 



AWWA Water Science focuses on the physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes that affect the quantity and quality of potable water, and the scope of research includes the application of fundamental science, engineering, and social principles to managerial, policy, and public health issues that affect and are affected by water. Besides review articles, original research published in AWS typically is based upon measurement and modeling that develops or applies theoretical principles and practical guidance to advance the scholarship of the water industry.


Topics include:


  • Treatment processes for municipal water, wastewater, and reuse — Chemical, physical and biological methods
  • Water quality monitoring, assessment, and improvement
  • Chemical and microbial contaminant discovery, evaluation, fate, and transport
  • Waterworks monitoring, assessment, and improvement
  • Public health and risk assessments of water and waterworks
  • Premise plumbing issues and consumer water quality
  • Applied mathematical modeling and system analysis techniques for water and waterworks
  • Socio-economic studies pertinent to water and waterworks
  • Aspects of potable and non-potable water reuse
  • Sustainability of water resources and water works
  • Water conservation and drought response
  • Finance/rates for water and waterworks
  • New materials or technologies (instruments, sensors, waterworks components, etc.)
  • Decision-making frameworks for water use and water works design, operation, and management
  • Planning and design innovations for waterworks
  • Hydraulics of water works


Target audience:


Waterworks researchers

  • Academics/faculty and utility/manufacturer research departments
  • Consultant research groups and regulatory research labs

Larger research community 

  • Academic areas: chemistry, biology, engineering, environmental science
  • Applied areas: chemical engineers, chemists, civil engineers, environmental engineers, limnologists, microbiologists, modelers


Collection Information