MIR Journal is an international resource for academic researchers in virology, bacteriology, and mycology as well as for professionals in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.
MIR Journal is an international resource for academic researchers in virology, bacteriology, and mycology as well as for professionals in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.
MIR Journal publishes strictly peer-review papers. MIR Journal publishes the following categories of scientific papers:
Publication in MIR Journal is free of charge for all the authors.
MIR Journal covers a wide range of topics including: theory and practice of new vaccine development; vaccines against new emerging viruses; development of universal vaccines (influenza) and viral vector-based vaccines; mechanisms of viral attenuation; vaccine production technology; antiviral and antimicrobial drug discovery; results of clinical studies; the study of new drug targets for viruses and bacteria; new plasmid-based vectors and their application in biotechnology; synthesis, biosynthesis, structure and function of biomolecules critical for the life cycle of prokaryotes and viruses. MIR Journal includes manuscripts on bacterial synthetic biology, bacterial mutations and antibiotic resistance as well as on new approaches and methods of antiviral and antimicrobial defense.
The devastating COVID 19 pandemic and spread of bacterial antibiotic resistance in recent years moved virology and bacteriology to the forefront of medical science in healthcare. Infectious agents do not recognize country borders and close worldwide cooperation between scientists and medical personnel is necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous pathogens. The main objective of the MIR Journal is to provide broad international coverage of scientific results in virology, bacteriology, and mycology and to extend the accessibility of these results to a worldwide scientific audience.
The guidelines for authors are based on the CSE's recommendations on Promotion of Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/recommendations-for-promoting-integrity-in-scientific-journal-publications and ICMJE Recommendations for the conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/.
The editorial board of MIR Journal is committed to promoting wide international coverage of advances in microbiology and increasing the availability of published materials. To achieve this goal, all articles are published in English and are available in open access on the journal’s website.
The journal accepts manuscripts from graduate students, Ph.D. students, scientists, and experts in the fields of virology, bacteriology, mycology, and drug discovery.
Submission of a manuscript for publication to the MIR Journal implies that:
Before submitting a manuscript for publication make sure that the file(s) contains all the necessary information, that the sources of all the data presented in the figures and tables are referenced, and that all references are given in the correct format.
The manuscript must be accompanied by permission to reproduce previously published material and to use previously published illustrations.
The editors of the MIR Journal recommend authors to use the following requirements and guidelines developed by international health organizations:
when preparing articles presenting the results animal research / In vivo experiments - ARRIVE
Language policy
Articles should be submitted in English (in American spelling) or Russian. All articles are assigned a DOI index and posted on the journal website in open access.
Letter to the editor
The article submitted to the journal must be accompanied by a letter to the editor, which should reflect the following aspects:
Article types
The journal accepts for publication editorial articles, original research articles, short communications, reviews, mini-reviews, case studies and reports, clinical trials reports, hypotheses, opinions and comments.
The research article should describe completed research study and include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest, Keywords, Funding, and References. The research article should not exceed 7000 words, including a list of references, tables, and figure captions.
The short communication should briefly describe a completed study and include the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest, Keywords, Funding, and References. The short communication should not exceed 3000 words, including a list of references, tables, and figure captions.
Reviews are published by invitation of the editorial board or by the initiative of the author. The maximum volume of the review corresponds to the maximum volume of the research article.
Article format
Manuscripts submitted to the MIR Journal must be in the format approved by the editorial board.
For details on the language of the publication, see the Language Policy section. The text including the names of tables and figures and captions under the tables and figures should be written using the 12 points Times New Roman font with two-line spacing.
Pages should be A4 (210 x 297 mm) format. All the symbols that are used in the manuscript should be available in Microsoft Office Word documents. All pages, including the first one, should be numbered. Tables and figures captions should correspond to the references to them.
Figures and Tables as well as figure captions should be placed right after the corresponding reference in the text. Additionally, when submitting the manuscript, all figures should be submitted as separate files in TIFF or EPS format with minimum resolution 300 dpi. Tables should be placed in the text of the manuscript, numbered with Arabic numbers and accompanied by appropriate headings.
The title of each subsection should be in bold.
It is recommended to use the past tense to describe the results. Generally accepted facts and conclusions should be written in the present tense.
The manuscript should contain the following sections:
i. Title Page
The following should be placed on the title page of the article:
a. Article title
The title should fully correspond to the essence of the research study described in the article.
Additionally, it is necessary to provide the short title (no more than 50 characters).
b. Name(s) of the author(s)
Authors are individuals identified by the research team as key contributors to the work presented in the manuscript and who have agreed to take responsibility for their work. In addition to being responsible for his/her part of the work, the author should be able to point out who from his co-authors is responsible for other parts of the work.
The activities that prevent a research participant from being recognized as an author of the manuscript include search for the project funding, general leadership of the research team, general administrative support, assistance in the manuscript writing, technical editing, scientific editing and proofreading of the manuscript. An author identified as a corresponding author is responsible for obtaining written permission from all contributors mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.
If, after accepting the manuscript for publication, it becomes necessary to change the list of the authors, a letter should be sent to the editorial board of the journal with an explanation of the reason for this change. The main responsibility for the exchange of information with the journal’s editorial board in the process of submitting, reviewing, and publishing an article lies on the corresponding author. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting all required documents, including ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documents, and conflict of interest statements. The corresponding author is also responsible for responding in a timely manner to critical comments on the article that arise after its publication.
The MIR Journal accepts the following criteria for authorship:
The list of authors does not include persons who are not the authors of the article. The names of individuals who are not the authors, but provided other support, are listed in the Acknowledgments section.
When listing the authors of the article, first name comes first, then the middle name initial (when available) follows, followed the last name/surname (Peter S. Ivanov). The last name in English should be written using the spelling used in previously published papers in English. If the author does not have any publications, the BSI standard must be used to transliterate the first and last names.
c. Information about the author(s)
This section lists titles, positions, degrees, and ORCID numbers with links to the site https://orcid.org/. It also contains the e-mail and full postal address of the corresponding author, with whom members of the editorial board can correspond. The name of this author should be marked with a sign (#).
d. Affiliation of the author(s)
Affiliation includes the following: full official name of the organization, full postal address (including postal code, city, and country). Authors are required to list all the workplaces related to conducting the research study.
If authors from different institutions participated in the preparation of the article, it is necessary to indicate the affiliation of each author to a specific institution using a superscript index.
ii. Abstract
The article is accompanied by an Abstract. The Abstract of the paper must reflect its main content and cannot exceed 250 words. The Abstract should be clear, complete and contain the main findings of the study. The abstract should be structured and include the following sections: INTRODUCTION, OBJECTIVE, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSION. Sections are formatted in separate paragraphs without indentation, their headings are indicated at the beginning of the corresponding paragraph in bold capital letters with a colon after it. Review articles and meta-analyses require an abstract with the following headings: OBJECTIVES, DATA SOUCES, DATA SYNTHESIS, CONCLUSION, and KEYWORDS.
iii. Keywords
5-7 words corresponding to the topic of the article. It is desirable that the keywords complement the abstract and title of the article.
iv. Acknowledgments
In this section, all sources of funding for the study are listed. Also, in this section, thanks are given to the persons who participated in the research study described in the article and in the preparation of the manuscript but are not the authors of the article. This implies such activities as recommendations for improving the research, providing space for research, departmental control, obtaining financial support, conducting certain types of analysis, providing reagents / patients / animals / other materials for the research as well as assistance in the manuscript writing, technical editing, scientific editing and proofreading of the manuscript.
v. Conflict of interest
Conflicts of interest are conditions that lead to authors having conflicting or competing interests that can influence their editorial decisions. Conflicts of interest can be potential or perceived, as well as real. Personal, political, financial, scientific, or religious factors can influence the objectivity of the assessment of the conflict.
A conflict of interest arises when professional judgment is influenced by financial gain. Financial benefits may include, but are not limited to, employment, consulting, shareholding and additional opportunities, royalties, patents, paid expertise, etc. Authors should avoid entering into agreements with research project sponsors that prevent access to any research data or the ability to analyze and interpret the data.
Authors of submitted manuscript are responsible for disclosing any financial and personal relationships that may cause any conflict of interest. Authors should describe sources of support for the project, including the names of sponsors and their role in planning the study, as well as in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data and writing the manuscript. If the personnel of the supporting organizations are not involved in the research process, then a corresponding statement should be provided.
The corresponding author should sign the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ICMJE http://www.icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest/.
The authors are obliged to notify the editor of a real or potential conflict of interest by including information about the conflict of interest in the appropriate section of the article.
If there is no conflict of interest, the author should also declare this. An example of the wording for this declaration: "The author declares no conflicts of interest."
vi. Article text
The journal adopted the IMRAD format (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion)
a. Introduction. The Introduction section should contain background information on the problem under study. At the end of the Introduction, a working hypothesis or purpose of the research study should be stated. Research findings should not be included in the Introduction section.
b. Materials and Methods. In the Materials and Methods section all materials, methods and experimental conditions used in the research study should be described so that they can be reproduced by other scientists. If the method is known and has been described in other publications, then a reference on the published method description should be provided. If the previously published method has been modified, all the changes should be described in detail. The name, purity, and manufacturer of all reagents as well as the name and manufacturer of the equipment should be given. When describing centrifugation conditions, centrifuge model, rotor model and acceleration (g) should be given. All microbial and viral strains used in the study should be named according to the currently used and internationally accepted taxonomic classification system. All chemicals should be named according to the rules of nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). If the article describes any animal experiments or clinical studies involving humans, then all appropriate approvals should be given. The date of issue and the registration number for the approval of the study by the local ethics committee should also be given in the Materials and Methods section.
c. Results. All experimentally discovered facts should be given in the Results section. This section may contain subsections according to the study design. The number of repetitions of the experiments, the number of replicas or the number of animals at each time point should be given.
A complete statistical analysis should be submitted, including the used software and the likelihood. Extensive interpretation and discussion of the results should be avoided in this section. All tables and figures should be numbered and the references to them should be given in the text.
d. Discussion. The main topic of discussion is the interpretation of the results in accordance with the latest published data. Duplication of results in the Discussion section should be avoided. In Short Communications the results and discussion should be combined in one section (Results and Discussion).
e. References. The journal uses the Vancouver citation format, which implies a reference to the source in square brackets in the order of their appearance in the text and the subsequent description of sources in the References section in the same order.
References should be written according to the "Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles" available at https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html.
For publications that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it is mandatory to include this identifier in the description of the source with a link to the site https://www.doi.org/.
The References section should include only peer-reviewed sources mentioned in the text - articles from scientific journals, books, book sections and patents. References to textbooks, teaching aids, statistical reports, articles in newspapers and magazines, dissertations (if it is not possible to cite the articles published as a result of the corresponding research), and author's comments should be given in footnotes (see the Footnotes section below) and should not be included in the References section. The references on web documents, conference papers and proceedings, personal communications and state standards are placed in the text of article in brackets and should not be included in the References section. Internet links are provided as a complete URL. The authors of the manuscript should site personal communication only if it provides essential information not available from the public source. In this case written permission and confirmation of accuracy should be obtained from the source of a personal communication. The description of the sources in the References section should contain the names of all authors with their initials, the title of the article, the abbreviation of the journal, year, volume, first and last page, and DOI. If there are more than six authors, the names of the first six authors should be given followed by "et al.". The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals).
References to manuscripts that have been submitted for publication but have not been accepted for publication yet should be given in the text and indicated as unpublished data with written permission from the source and should not be included in the References section. The References section should not contain any text in italics or bold. References to Russian sources are provided both in Russian and in English translation.
Below are some examples of the references:
Цыганова ЕВ, Глухоедова НВ, Жиленкова АС, Федосеева ТИ, Ющук ЕН, Сметнева НС. COVID-19 и особенности вовлечения сердечно-сосудистой системы. Терапевтический архив. 2021;93(9):1091-9. http://www.doi.org/10.26442/00403660.2021.09.201036.
Tsyganova EV, Glukhoedova NV, Zhilenkova AS, Fedoseeva TI, Iushchuk EN, Smetneva NS. COVID-19 and features of cardiovascular involvement. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Ter Arkh). 2021;93(9):1091-9. (In Russian). http://www.doi.org/10.26442/00403660.2021.09.201036.Websites
Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2012-2013 Northern hemisphere influenza season https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/recommended-composition-of-influenza-virus-vaccines-for-use-in-the-2023-2024-northern-hemisphere-influenza-season [24 February 2023].
Bates B. Bargaining for life: A social history of tuberculosis. 1st ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; 1992.
Chapters from books
Lindenbach BD, Murray CL, Thiel H-J, Rice CM. Flaviviridae: The Viruses and Their Replication. In: D. M. Knipe et al. editors. Fields Virology. 6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, NY. 2013. Chapter 25. p. 712-746.
Drawings and other illustrations
MIR Journal accepts uncompressed high-resolution images in black and white or color composed of lines and text in TIFF or EPS format (900-1200 dpi); photographs, which contains no text in TIFF (300 dpi); images containing halftone and text or line art elements in TIFF, and EPS formats (500-900 dpi). The minimum resolution is 300 dpi. More detailed instructions on formatting graphic images can be found on the website: : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/pub/filespec-images/#fig-format.
References to figures should be given as follows: “In Fig. 3 it is shown that ... “or“ It is shown that ... (Fig. 3)”. If there is only one figure in the text, then it should not be numbered.
Each figure must be accompanied by a title and a separate caption that discloses the content of the figure, so that there is no need to refer to the Materials and Methods section. All symbols on the picture should be explained in the caption to it. When submitting the manuscript, the figures should be included in the main text and also should be submitted as separate files in TIFF or EPS format with minimum resolution 300 dpi. It is recommended to use only one type of font for each illustration. Graphic files should not contain wide margins.
Footnotes are numbered in Arabic numerals and placed page by page. Footnotes may contain references to textbooks, teaching aids, statistical reports, articles in newspapers and magazines, dissertations (if it is not possible to cite the articles published as a result of the corresponding research), and author's comments. References on all these sources of information are not included in the References section.
Tables should be placed in the text of the manuscript, numbered with Arabic numbers, and accompanied by appropriate headings. Column headings should be as concise as possible. Tables created in Microsoft Excel are not accepted; they must be in the Microsoft Word format. The table can contain notes marked with superscript letter indexes (for example: a, b, c ...).
Explanations for each letter index should be placed below the table. If there is only one table in the text, then it should not be numbered. The table grid should consist of the minimum required number of lines: there are no vertical lines, horizontal lines separate column and section headings.
Proteins, amino acid sequences, or nucleotide sequences
All new protein or nucleotide sequences presented in the manuscript must be submitted to one of the international depositories and have the corresponding registration number. In the manuscript such sequences should be presented as figures.
Supporting information
The essential supporting files and multimedia files can be submitted along with the manuscript, which will be subject to peer review.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Authors should use only standard abbreviations and avoid them in the title of the manuscript. The full name followed by the abbreviation in parentheses should be used on first mention.
Units of Measurement
Measurements should be reported in metric units (e. g. meter, kilogram, second or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius; pressures - in millimeters of mercury.
The manuscript should be submitted through the submission system of the ScienceOpen after pre-registration on the site: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/f76a296c-da60-422b-9200-f50119a511ba/upload-preprint?4.
The manuscript that is initially uploaded to the website for the peer review should be in the pdf format. After the manuscript is accepted for publication, it should be uploaded to the website in the Microsoft Word format (have the ‘docx’ extension). Text should be typed with an interval of two-line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics, and tables are placed within the text of the manuscript and also are uploaded as separate files.
The editorial office of the journal maintains correspondence with the corresponding author, however, e-mail messages could be sent to all authors who have their e-mail addresses listed in the manuscript, if the team of authors wishes to do so. All manuscripts submitted to MIR Journal are pre-checked by the executive secretary of the journal for compliance with formal requirements. At this stage, the manuscript could be returned to the author(s) for revision with a request to correct errors or add missing data. Also at this stage, the manuscript may be rejected due to mismatch with the scope of the journal, lack of originality, and low scientific value.
After a preliminary check, the editor-in-chief submits the article to the reviewers, setting up the time frame of the review. In controversial cases, several specialists as well as the editor-in-chief could be involved in the peer review process.
After at least two positive reviews are received for the manuscript, it is passed to the editor for the preparation for publication.
When it is necessary to revise the manuscript, all the comments and commentaries of the reviewers are sent to the corresponding author. The authors are given 2-4 weeks to revise the manuscript. If during this period the authors have not notified the editorial office of the planned actions, the manuscript could be removed from the queue for publication.
When a decision is made to decline the manuscript publication, the decision of editor-in-chief is sent to the corresponding author.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the final version of the manuscript layout is sent to the corresponding author for review. A response is expected from the corresponding author within 2 days. In the absence of a response from the corresponding author, the layout of the manuscript is considered approved.
If the author(s) does not agree with the conclusion of the reviewer and/or editor or with their particular comments, he/she can challenge the decision. To do this, the author needs:
The editors promote resubmission of manuscripts that could potentially be accepted but were rejected due to the need for significant changes or additional data collection and are ready to explain in detail to the corresponding author what needs to be corrected in the manuscript in order for it to be accepted for publication.
In case of revelation of unfair behavior on the part of the author(s), detection of plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, the editors proceed according to the COPE rules.
By unfair behavior, MIR Journal recognizes any actions of a scientist, including improper handling of objects of study or deliberate manipulation of scientific information, that lead to incorrect observation of phenomena and wrong conclusions, as well as the behavior of a scientist that does not meet accepted ethical and scientific standards.
MIR Journal does not classify as unfair conduct the honest error or honest discrepancy in the design, conduct of experiments, interpretation, or evaluation of research methods or results, or any unfair conduct not related to the scientific process.
If errors are found in the text of the published article that affect its perception, but do not distort the stated research results, they can be corrected by replacing the PDF file of the article and indicating the error in the article file itself and on the corresponding page on the journal website.
If errors are found in the text of the article that distort the results of the research, or in the case of plagiarism, the discovery of unfair behavior of the author(s) associated with falsification and/or fabrication of data, the article may be withdrawn. The retraction of an article can be initiated by the editorial board, the author, an organization, or an individual.
The withdrawn article is marked with the sign "Article withdrawn", the information about the reason for the withdrawal of the article is published on the article webpage. Information about the retraction of the article is sent to the databases in which the journal is indexed.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Preprint and post print Policy
The editorial board of the MIR Journal allows authors to post the manuscript as a preprint on preprint servers and in disciplinary and institutional repositories before submission for review and to archive independently their accepted for publication articles in disciplinary and institutional repositories as well as to disseminate through a personal website or blog.
The editorial board of the MIR Journal encourages uploading preprints of the submitted manuscripts on preprint servers. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines a preprint as “a scholarly manuscript posted by the author(s) in an openly accessible platform, usually before or in parallel with the peer review process.”
A preprint publication should not be considered a duplicate publication, nor shall it influence the editor's decision to publish the manuscript in the MIR Journal.
The author should notify the editorial board of the MIR Journal about the posted preprint at submission of the manuscript for review, furnishing a link to the preprint with its DOI identifier and the dissemination terms and conditions.
It is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published manuscript in the preprint record. The link must contain the DOI, and the URL of the article published on the journal's website. The original preprint should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. The preprint should not be replaced with the text of the published article. The preprint text should not be deleted.
Manuscripts Accepted for Publication
The authors can independently archive their manuscripts that have been reviewed and are accepted for publication in MIR Journal.
This version of the manuscript may be disseminated through:
The text of the manuscript should contain the author’s clarifications about its status and information about the planned publication.
Example: The article “TITLE” has been reviewed, accepted for publication, and will be published in 2021 (3) of the MIR Journal.
Once the final version of the manuscript is published, it is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published article to the publication record. The posted text should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. The text of the posted manuscript should not be replaced or deleted.
Final Versions of Manuscripts
The editorial board of MIR Journal allows for the independent archival of the manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, edited and ready for publication (proofread and typeset). This version of the manuscript may be disseminated through:
Once the final version of the manuscript is published, it is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published article to the publication record. The posted text should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. The text of the posted manuscript should not be replaced or deleted.
The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual agreements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in MIR Journal (for example, placing it in the institution's repository, publication in a book), with the reference to its original publication in this journal.
Privacy Statement
All the personal data disclosed when submitting the manuscript for publication (e.g., names, addresses, e-mail addresses, job titles, and affiliation) will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the authors and reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Personal data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.
Plagiarism detection
MIR Journal uses Ithenticate software to screen the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Scientific activities
1989 Ph.D. Thesis defended (Virology)
Postdoctoral Training
1992 Royal Medical University, Newcastle, Australia
1994 Influenza Branch, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
1995-2006 Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
2006-2012 Green Hills Biotechnology AG, Vienna, Austria
2012 Habilitation Thesis defended (Virology)
2014-2015 HSC Development GmbH, Tulln, Austria
2016 - current EURRUS GmbH, Tulln, Austria
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia (Scopus)
Professor in Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ USA
Chief Scientist and Head of Industrial Wastewater Research Lab, Division of Applied & Environmental Microbiology Lab,
Enviro Technology Limited, Ankleshwar, India
Head of the Laboratory, Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow, Russia
CEO at Aptum Biologics Ltd. United Kingdom
Program Coordinator at City of Hope Hospital, Duarte, CA USA
Alexey Potekhin, Dsc,
University of Innsbruck, Austria (Scopus) (ORCID)
Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scopus) (ResearcherID)
Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia (Scopus)
Shemyakin – Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia (Scopus)
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Head of Surgery Department, Medical University of Vienna, Austria (Scopus)
Head of Department of Molecular Biology of Viruses, Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza;
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPBSTU)
Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnology, Director, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scopus)
Oxford University, Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow, Oxford, United Kingdom (Scopus)
All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scopus) (ResearcherID)
St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Biology, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scopus) (ResearcherID) (РИНЦ)
Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia (Scopus) (ResearcherID) (РИНЦ)
Research Department for Limnology, University of Innsbruck; Kasan Federal University; Russian Academy of Science (Scopus) (ResearcherID) (ORCID)
A single-blind peer review is mandatory for processing all scientific manuscripts submitted for publication in MIR Journal. This implies that authors do not know who the reviewers of the manuscript are while the reviewers know who the authors are.
The Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement of the journal MIR Journal are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines available at www.publicationethics.org, and requirements for peer-reviewed journals developed by the Elsevier Publishing House (according to the international ethical rules for scientific publications)
1.1. Publishing science papers in peer-reviewed journals is a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of science, and also is an easy way of scientific communication. Therefore, it is important to establish standards for the future ethical conduct of all parties involved in the publication process, namely: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the sponsor for the journal: MIR Journal.
1.2. Publisher has a supporting, investing and nurturing role in the scholarly communication process but is also ultimately responsible for ensuring that best practice is followed in the journal’s publications.
1.3. The publisher is committed to the strict control of scientific materials and recognizes responsibility in all policies especially from the ethical guidelines point of view that are adopted here.
2.1. Publication decision – The Editor of the scientific journal MIR Journal is solely and independently responsible for decision to publish or decline the publication of the submitted manuscript. The credibility of the reviewed manuscript and its scientific relevance should determine the decision on acceptance of the manuscript for the publication. Editors may be bound by the policies of the Editorial Board of MIR Journal, limited by current legal requirements in relation to defamation, copyright, legality and plagiarism. The editor may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.
2.2. Decency – An editor should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors.
2.3. Confidentiality – The editor and any editorial staff of MIR Journal should not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, unless it is required by law.
2.4. Disclosure and Conflicts of interest
2.4.1. Unpublished data disclosed in a submitted manuscript should not be used in an editor’s own research without the written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained during the peer review process should be kept confidential and could not be used for personal advantage.
2.4.2. Editors should recuse themselves (i.e. should ask a co-editor, associate editor or other member of the editorial board instead to review and consider) from reviewing the manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or (possibly) other institutions connected to the manuscripts.
2.5. Control of the publications quality – If an editor has convincing evidence that the statements or conclusions in a published paper are erroneous he/she should coordinate with the publisher to promote the prompt publication of a correction, retraction of the paper, expression of concern, or another note, as appropriate.
2.6. Involvement and cooperation in investigations – The Editor together with the Publisher take appropriate action in the event of ethical claims regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures include interaction with the аuthors of the manuscript and the reasoning of the corresponding complaint or request, but may also involve interaction with relevant third-party organizations and research centers.
3.1. Contribution to Editorial Board Decisions – Peer review process helps the editor to make editorial decisions and may also assist the author in improving the quality of the manuscript through the communications with the editor. Peer review is a cornerstone of the scientific method and an essential component of formal scholarly communication. The publisher shares the view of many that all scholars who wish to contribute to publications have an obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.
3.2. Promptness – Any selected reviewer who feels that he/she is unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that could not accomplish it in the certain time frame should notify the editor of MIR Journal and excuse himself/herself from the review process.
3.3. Confidentiality – Any manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They should not be shown to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editor.
3.4. Standard and objectivity – Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the authors is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
3.5. Acknowledgement of Sources – Reviewers should identify relevant published papers that have not been cited by the authors. Any previously published statement, observation, derivation, or argument should be accompanied by the corresponding citation. The Reviewer should also draw the editor's attention to any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work within the scope of the reviewer's scientific competence.
3.6. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
3.6.1. Any and all unpublished data that is disclosed in a submitted manuscript should not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the written consent of the authors. All information and/or ideas obtained through the peer review process should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal advantage.
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4.1. Requirements for manuscripts
4.1.1. Authors of manuscripts describing original research should provide credible results of their research as well as an objective discussion of its significance. All the essential and supplemental data should be presented accurately. The manuscript should contain sufficient experimental details and bibliographic references for the successful reproduction of the results. False or knowingly wrong statements are perceived as unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
4.1.2. Reviews and scientific articles should also be accurate and objective; editor’s point of view in editorial papers should be clearly indicated.
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4.3. Originality and Plagiarism
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4.3.2. Plagiarism takes many forms, from “passing off” paper written by other scientists as the author’s own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another paper (without the corresponding attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
4.4. Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publications
4.4.1. In general an author should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research as original publications in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
4.4.2. In general, an author should not submit a previously published paper for consideration in another journal.
4.4.3. Publication of certain types of articles (e.g., clinical guidelines, translations) in more than one journal is sometimes acceptable, provided that certain conditions are met. The authors and editors of the journals involved should agree on the secondary publication, which should present the same data and interpretation as in the original publication. The secondary publication should have the reference on the original publication. Further detail on acceptable forms of secondary publications can be found at www.icmje.org.
4.5. Acknowledgement of Sources
The contributions of others should always be recognized. Authors should cite publications that are relevant to the research presented in the manuscript. Data obtained privately, for example, in the course of conversation, correspondence or in the course of discussion with third parties, should not be used or presented without the explicit written permission of the original source. Information obtained from confidential sources e.g. in the course of evaluating manuscripts or awarding grants, should not be used without the clear written permission of authors related to confidential sources.
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