Radboud University Press is a unique department at Radboud University. We are a Diamond Open Access publisher of high-quality academic peer-reviewed books and journals across a wide range of disciplines.
Radboud University Press is a unique department at Radboud University. We are a Diamond Open Access publisher of high-quality academic peer-reviewed books and journals across a wide range of disciplines.
The ‘Diamond’ label means that we offer open-access publications free of charge for both authors and readers. Meeting the highest academic standards is our primary goal. Empowering our authors to fully retain their copyrights is our main principle.
Radboud University Press was founded in 2021 at Radboud University, one of the leading universities worldwide. We are a diamond Open Access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals and books across a wide range of academic disciplines.
Our mission is to make scientific knowledge more freely accessible worldwide by making high-quality journals and books affordable for writers and their audiences.
Read our Research Integrity Guidelines and our Peer Review Policy for more information. All our publications are made available under Creative Commons Licences meaning that the copyright stays with the authors and that they decide how others can reuse their work.
We participate in the national platform, Open Journals. Open Journals provides a professional Open Access publishing platform for scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. This platform is made possible by a collaboration between the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the OPUS Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to open-access publishing.
Ecclesial Futures is a “Diamond Open Access” international juried journal, partnering with @RadboudUniPress and @openjournalsnl. The journal publishes original research and theological reflection on the development and transformation of local Christian communities and the systems that support them as they join in the mission of God in the world. (publ. by Radboud UP)
Handelingen is een academisch tijdschrift dat onderzoekers, opleiders, studenten en professionals op de hoogte houdt van de voortgang in onderwijs en onderzoek in het vakgebied van de praktische theologie en religiewetenschap. (publ. by Radboud UP)
Radboud University Press was founded in 2021 at Radboud University, one of the leading universities worldwide. We are a diamond Open Access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals and books across a wide range of academic disciplines.
Relief - Revue électronique de littérature française est une revue scientifique internationale évaluée par les pairs et consacrée aux études littéraires et culturelles. Son périmètre historique est ouvert, pourvu qu’il soit en relation avec des corpus de langue française. Relief est un lieu de rencontre de l’étude des littératures, des textes et des discours (publ. by Radboud UP)
Religie & Samenleving wil een podium bieden aan hen die zich bezig houden met de bestudering van de veranderingen in religie en religieuze organisaties in de Europese samenleving van de laatste twee eeuwen. Daarmee wil het tijdschrift een bijdrage leveren aan het debat over de rol van religie in de hedendaagse maatschappij. (publ. by Radboud UP)