Average rating: | Rated 3 of 5. |
Level of importance: | Rated 4 of 5. |
Level of validity: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Level of completeness: | Rated 3 of 5. |
Level of comprehensibility: | Rated 3 of 5. |
Competing interests: | None |
Congradulation for your work.
The presentation need some modificstion. Because, the format used is not appropiate for a scientific article, the format conventionnally used is the IMRAD (introduction: where you briefly present the problematic of your subject, then the justificstion and your objectif or/and your hypothesis; you do not need to present the ltterature review here; the the methode section; your result and discussion.).
Your work seems a decriptive study where a qualitative approach would be better than the quantitative. the chi-square analysis is a little bit low for conclusive evidence, I suggest you to use pearson and spearman correlation test too.