Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHD) is an autosomal dominant condition characterised by the presence of facial fibrofolliculomas, pulmonary cysts which may be associated with spontaneous pneumothorax and renal tumours. Germline mutations in the gene Folliculin (FLCN) were first identified in BHD patients in 2002. In addition FLCN mutations have also been described in families with isolated primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) and also familial clear cell renal carcinomas (FcRCC). We have established a locus-specific database based on the Leiden Open (source) Variation Database (LOVD) software. The version of the database contains 60 previously published mutations and 10 previously unpublished novel germline FLCN mutations. The mutations are comprised of deletions (44.3%), substitutions (35.7%), duplications (14.3%) and deletion/insertions (5.7%). The database is accessible online at