Tetherin (BST2, CD317, or HM1.24) is a host cellular restriction factor that prevents the release of enveloped viruses by mechanically linking virions to the plasma membrane. The precise arrangement of tetherin molecules at the plasma membrane site of HIV-1 assembly, budding, and restriction is not well understood. To gain insight into the biophysical mechanism underlying tetherin-mediated restriction of HIV-1, we utilized cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) to directly visualize HIV-1 virus-like particles (VLPs) and virions tethered to human cells in three dimensions (3D). Rod-like densities that we refer to as tethers were seen connecting HIV-1 virions to each other and to the plasma membrane. Native immunogold labeling showed tetherin molecules located on HIV-1 VLPs and virions in positions similar to those of the densities observed by cryo-ET. The location of the tethers with respect to the ordered immature Gag lattice or mature conical core was random. However, tethers were not uniformly distributed on the viral membrane but rather formed clusters at sites of contact with the cell or other virions. Chains of tethered HIV-1 virions often were arranged in a linear fashion, primarily as single chains and, to a lesser degree, as branched chains. Distance measurements support the extended tetherin model, in which the coiled-coil ectodomains are oriented perpendicular with respect to the viral and plasma membranes.