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      Nursing Care Related with Surgical Position* Translated title: Cuidados de enfermería relacionados con la posición quirúrgica Translated title: Cuidados de enfermagem relacionados à posição cirúrgica


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          The patient’s correct position is necessary to conduct a safe and effective surgical procedure. This position depends on the access route, duration of the procedure, kind of anesthesia, devices to use, among other factors. This procedure requires planning and effort by the surgical team where they share responsibility to establish and maintain the correct positions for patients. Each surgical position fulfills an objective and implies risks to patients, which is why nursing professionals must be very attentive to provide the necessary care and ensure reliable practices in each position during the perioperative, the importance of the documentation, and the NANDA, NIC, and NOC taxonomy to consider.


          La correcta posición del paciente es necesaria para el desarrollo de un procedimiento quirúrgico seguro y eficaz. Esta posición depende de la vía de acceso, la duración del procedimiento, el tipo de anestesia, los dispositivos a utilizar entre otros factores. Este procedimiento requiere planeación y esfuerzo del equipo quirúrgico donde se comparten responsabilidad para establecer y mantener las posiciones correctas para los pacientes. Cada posición quirúrgica cumple un objetivo e implica un riesgo para el paciente, por lo que los profesionales de enfermería deben estar muy atentos para brindar los cuidados necesarios y asegurar prácticas confiables en cada posición durante el perioperatorio, la importancia de la documentación y la taxonomía NANDA, NIC y NOC a tener en cuenta.


          A posição correta do paciente é necessária para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento cirúrgico seguro e eficaz. Essa posição depende da via de acesso, da duração do procedimento, do tipo de anestesia, dos aparelhos a serem utilizados, entre outros fatores. Este procedimento requer planejamento e esforço da equipe cirúrgica onde a responsabilidade é compartilhada para estabelecer e manter as posições corretas dos pacientes. Cada posição cirúrgica cumpre um objetivo e implica um risco para o paciente, por isso os profissionais de enfermagem devem estar muito atentos para prestar os cuidados necessários e garantir práticas confiáveis em cada posição durante o período perioperatório, a importância da documentação e taxonomia NANDA, NIC e NOC para levar em conta.

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          Most cited references34

          • Record: found
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          • Article: not found

          Complications associated with prone positioning in elective spinal surgery.

          Complications associated with prone surgical positioning during elective spine surgery have the potential to cause serious patient morbidity. Although many of these complications remain uncommon, the range of possible morbidities is wide and includes multiple organ systems. Perioperative visual loss (POVL) is a well described, but uncommon complication that may occur due to ischemia to the optic nerve, retina, or cerebral cortex. Closed-angle glaucoma and amaurosis have been reported as additional etiologies for vision loss following spinal surgery. Peripheral nerve injuries, such as those caused by prolonged traction to the brachial plexus, are more commonly encountered postoperative events. Myocutaneous complications including pressure ulcers and compartment syndrome may also occur after prone positioning, albeit rarely. Other uncommon positioning complications such as tongue swelling resulting in airway compromise, femoral artery ischemia, and avascular necrosis of the femoral head have also been reported. Many of these are well-understood and largely avoidable through thoughtful attention to detail. Other complications, such as POVL, remain incompletely understood and thus more difficult to predict or prevent. Here, the current literature on the complications of prone positioning for spine surgery is reviewed to increase awareness of the spectrum of potential complications and to inform spine surgeons of strategies to minimize the risk of prone patient morbidity.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Book: not found

            Diccionario de la Lengua Española

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Pressure Ulcers: Factors Contributing to Their Development in the OR.

              The prevention of health care-associated pressure ulcers (HAPUs) is an important quality measure because HAPUs are considered a never event. The literature suggests that the prevalence rate of pressure ulcers is 8.5% or higher among patients who undergo surgical procedures that last longer than three hours. We performed a retrospective chart review to determine what factors contribute to the development of pressure ulcers in patients who undergo surgical procedures. The sample population included patients who acquired a pressure ulcer that was not present at admission and developed during their postoperative hospital stay. The project revealed consistent risk factors that may contribute to the development of pressure ulcers in patients who have undergone surgical procedures. These findings can drive the implementation of preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of HAPUs associated with surgical procedures.

                Author and article information

                Invest Educ Enferm
                Invest Educ Enferm
                Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria
                Imprenta Universidad de Antioquia
                14 March 2023
                Jan-Apr 2023
                : 41
                : 1
                : 03
                [1 ] original Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Full Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Universidad de Antioquia and Universidad CES. Colombia E-mail: angela.salazar@udea.edu.co. normalizedUniversidad de Antioquia orgdiv1Faculty of Nursing orgnameUniversidad de Antioquia Colombia angela.salazar@ 123456udea.edu.co
                [2 ] original PhD. Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. E-mail: sandra.osorio@udea.edu.co normalizedUniversidad de Antioquia orgdiv1Faculty of Nursing orgnameUniversidad de Antioquia Colombia sandra.osorio@ 123456udea.edu.co
                Author notes
                [* ]Corresponding Author: Ángela María Salazar Maya, angela.salazar@ 123456udea.edu.co

                Conflicts of interest: None


                This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

                : 10 June 2022
                : 13 February 2023
                Page count
                Figures: 1, Tables: 1, Equations: 0, References: 36, Pages: 0

                surgical procedures, operative,patient positioning,nursing care,procedimientos quirúrgicos operativos,posicionamiento del paciente,atención de enfermería


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