We introduce a new model of supersymmetry breaking dominated by anomaly mediation. It has a viable spectrum, successful electroweak symmetry breaking, solves the mu-problem and maintains the anomaly-mediated form for soft-masses down to low energies thus solving the flavor problem. The model consists of the minimal supersymmetric standard model plus a singlet, anomaly-mediated soft masses and a dirac mass which marries the bino to the singlet. We describe a large class of models in the UV which can produce such boundary conditions. The dirac mass does not affect the so-called "UV insensitivity" of the other soft parameters to running or supersymmetric thresholds and thus flavor physics at intermediate scales would not reintroduce the flavor problem. The dirac bino is integrated out at a few TeV and produces {\it finite and positive} contributions to all hyper-charged scalars at one loop thus producing positive squared slepton masses. The theory predicts some CP violation in the Higgs sector leading to a correlation between the spectra to be seen at the LHC and electric dipole moments within experimental reach in the near future.