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      Causas de cancelación de cirugía programada en una clínica de alta complejidad de Popayán, Colombia Translated title: Causes of cancellation of scheduled surgeries in a tertiary care clinic from Popayán, Colombia


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          Resumen Introducción. La cancelación de cirugía programada es un indicador de calidad que puede relacionarse con ineficiencia en los procesos de planificación estratégica para la seguridad del paciente y es un fenómeno frecuente en las instituciones de salud. Objetivo. Identificar las causas de cancelación de cirugía programada durante el segundo trimestre de 2016 en una clínica de alta complejidad de Popayán, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal con 185 cirugías canceladas de 2 787 programadas. La información se obtuvo de los registros magnéticos de la coordinación de cirugía de la institución objeto de estudio y se realizó una distribución del evento según los actores del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS): asegurador, prestador y paciente. Resultados. La proporción de cancelación fue del 2.7%. El 56.7% de las causas fueron atribuidas al paciente, el 40.5% al prestador y el 2.7% al asegurador. Conclusiones. Las causas de cancelación de cirugía programada identificadas son altamente prevenibles y evidencian fallas organizacionales y procedimentales que requieren mejoramiento a nivel administrativo y asistencial para disminuir los costos de no calidad.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract Introduction: Cancellation of scheduled surgeries is a quality indicator that may be associated to inefficient strategic planning processes for patient safety. It is frequently observed in health institutions. Objective: To identify the causes of cancellation of scheduled surgeries during the second quarter of 2016 in a tertiary care clinic in the city of Popayán, Colombia. Materials and methods: Descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional study. 185 surgeries were canceled out of 2 787 scheduled. The information was obtained from the digital records stored at the surgery coordination office of the institution under study. The causes were classified according to the actors involved in the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS): insurer, provider and patient. Results: The cancellation ratio was 2.7%, and 56.7% of the causes were attributed to the patient, 40.5% to the provider and 2.7% to the insurer. Conclusions: The causes of cancellation of scheduled surgeries identified are highly preventable and show organizational and procedural failures that require administrative and assistance improvement to reduce non-quality costs.

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          Most cited references20

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: found
          Is Open Access

          Reasons for cancellation of operation on the day of intended surgery in a multidisciplinary 500 bedded hospital

          Background: Cancellation of operations in hospitals is a significant problem with far reaching consequences. This study was planned to evaluate reasons for cancellation of elective surgical operation on the day of surgery in a 500 bedded Government hospital. Materials and Methods: The medical records of all the patients, from December 2009 to November 2010, who had their operations cancelled on the day of surgery in all surgical units of the hospital, were audited prospectively. The number of operation cancelled and reasons for cancellation were documented. Results: 7272 patients were scheduled for elective surgical procedures during study period; 1286 (17.6 %) of these were cancelled on the day of surgery. The highest number of cancellation occurred in the discipline of general surgery (7.1%) and the least (0.35%) occurred in Ear-Nose-Throat surgery. The most common cause of cancellation was the lack of availability of theater time 809 (63%) and patients not turning up 244 (19%) patients. 149 cancellations (11.6%) were because of medical reasons; 16 (1.2%) were cancelled by the surgeon due to a change in the surgical plan; 28 (2.1%) were cancelled as patients were not ready for surgery; and 40 (3.1%) were cancelled due to equipment failure.]. Conclusion: Most causes of cancellations of operations are preventable.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Causes for cancellation of elective surgical procedures in a Spanish general hospital.

            Cancellation of scheduled surgery is undesirable for patients and an inefficient use of resources. We prospectively collected data for 52 consecutive months in a public general hospital to estimate the prevalence and causes. The overall cancellation rate was 6.5% (2559 of 39 115 scheduled operations). Cancellation by broad category was for 'medical reasons' in 50%, 'patient-related factors' in 23%, and due to 'administrative/logistic problems' in 25%. The commonest specific causes within these categories were respectively: infections/fever (18%), patient did not attend (20%) and lack of theatre time (23%). This data will help direct resources to target prevention of cancellations as a result of these main problems.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: found
              Is Open Access

              Monitorando o cancelamento de procedimentos cirúrgicos: indicador de desempenho organizacional

              Este estudo, de natureza exploratória descritiva, tem como objetivo investigar a ocorrência e as causas de cancelamento de cirurgias programadas na unidade de Centro Cirúrgico em um hospital de ensino de capacidade extra no interior do estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados durante três meses consecutivos em 2004, utilizando-se documentos institucionais e formulário elaborado pelas pesquisadoras. No período do estudo foram programadas 4.870 cirurgias na unidade de Centro Cirúrgico investigada, das quais 249 foram canceladas (5,1%). As principais causas geradoras dos cancelamentos das cirurgias estavam relacionadas ao paciente (57,8%), tais como, não comparecimento (56,3%) e condição clínica desfavorável (34,7%); à organização da unidade (22,1%) devido à falta de leitos disponíveis para internação (29,1%) e ocorrência de cirurgias de emergência (25,5%); à alocação de recursos humanos (17,7%) ou ainda à alocação de recursos materiais e equipamentos (1,6%).

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
                Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia )
                March 2019
                : 67
                : 1
                : 17-21
                [1] Popayán Valle del Cauca orgnameUniversidad del Cauca orgdiv1Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud orgdiv2Departamento de Fonoaudiologia Colombia
                [2] Popayán orgnameClínica de Rehabilitación Integral Fisiocenter Colombia
                [3] Cali orgnameColegio Odontológico Colombiano Colombia

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                : 28 July 2017
                : 07 November 2017
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 27, Pages: 5

                SciELO Colombia

                Investigación original

                General Surgery,Patient Safety,Quality Control (MeSH),Quirófanos,Cirugía general,Seguridad del paciente,Control de calidad (DeCS),Operating Rooms


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