Soil-transmitted helminths, such as Trichuris trichiura, are of major concern in public health. Current efforts to control these helminth infections involve periodic mass treatment in endemic areas. Since these large-scale interventions are likely to intensify, monitoring the drug efficacy will become indispensible. However, studies comparing detection techniques based on sensitivity, fecal egg counts (FEC), feasibility for mass diagnosis and drug efficacy estimates are scarce.
In the present study, the ether-based concentration, the Parasep Solvent Free (SF), the McMaster and the FLOTAC techniques were compared based on both validity and feasibility for the detection of Trichuris eggs in 100 fecal samples of nonhuman primates. In addition, the drug efficacy estimates of quantitative techniques was examined using a statistical simulation. Trichuris eggs were found in 47% of the samples. FLOTAC was the most sensitive technique (100%), followed by the Parasep SF (83.0% [95% confidence interval (CI): 82.4–83.6%]) and the ether-based concentration technique (76.6% [95% CI: 75.8–77.3%]). McMaster was the least sensitive (61.7% [95% CI: 60.7–62.6%]) and failed to detect low FEC. The quantitative comparison revealed a positive correlation between the four techniques (Rs = 0.85–0.93; p<0.0001). However, the ether-based concentration technique and the Parasep SF detected significantly fewer eggs than both the McMaster and the FLOTAC ( p<0.0083). Overall, the McMaster was the most feasible technique (3.9 min/sample for preparing, reading and cleaning of the apparatus), followed by the ether-based concentration technique (7.7 min/sample) and the FLOTAC (9.8 min/sample). Parasep SF was the least feasible (17.7 min/sample). The simulation revealed that the sensitivity is less important for monitoring drug efficacy and that both FLOTAC and McMaster were reliable estimators.
Worldwide, millions of people are infected with soil-transmitted helminths, particularly in developing countries. Efforts to control these infections involve periodic mass drug treatment in endemic areas. Since these large-scale interventions are likely to intensify, monitoring of drug efficacy has become a key issue in order to detect the emergence of resistance. At present, the drop in infection intensity is under examination for monitoring the drug efficacy. However, studies comparing detection techniques based on infection intensities are scarce. Moreover, little attention has been addressed to their feasibility and their ability to estimate drug efficacies. We have compared different techniques for the detection of whipworm ( Trichuris) in simian stool samples based on prevalence, infection intensities, feasibility and ability to estimate the ‘true’ drug efficacy. We have found that techniques often fail to detect low infection intensities and that not all techniques are appropriate for estimating infection intensities. The time needed to obtain a test result varied from 3.9 to 17.7 min/sample. Finally, accurate estimates of drug efficacy were only obtained in high pre-drug administration infection intensities. To conclude, along with accurate estimates of infection intensities, feasibility is a considerable criterion for the detection techniques used in drug efficacy monitoring programs.