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      ESTUDIO MORFOLÓGICO DEL CULTIVO A LARGO PLAZO DE FOLÍCULOS AISLADOS Y CERRADOS DE TIROIDES DE CERDO Translated title: Morphological Study of Long-term culture of closed isolated pig folicles


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          La unidad morfológica y funcional de la glándula tiroides es el folículo, estructura ovoide cerrada, constituida por una capa de células cúbicas (tirocitos) que encierran un lumen lleno del coloide secretado por ellas. En cultivo, tanto la estructura como la función del folículo se pierden rápidamente en las primeras 24 horas. Sin embargo, si se cultivan folículos cerrados de tiroides de rata conservan la arquitectura folicular, la morfología del tirocito y la función hasta la síntesis de hormonas tiroides de manera similar a la glándula in vivo. En este trabajo describimos el aislamiento y cultivo de folículos porcinos cerrados y su análisis morfológico. Los folículos se aíslan por digestión enzimática y disociación mecánica del parénquima tiroideo, luego se cultivan sobre agarosa con y sin hormona tirotrópica o tirotropina (1 mU/ml, TSH). El tejido de tiroides porcino obtenido tiene las mismas características de una glándula hipotiroidea in vivo, un epitelio casi plano, retículo endoplásmico rugoso (RER) exiguo, complejo de Golgi (CG), y microvellosidades escasas y cortas. Los folículos cultivados sin TSH conservan la forma ovoide y el coloide en su interior, y la misma ultra-estructura del tejido in vivo, RER y CG muy escasos, pero con el tiempo de cultivo aumenta la longitud de la microvellosidades y el espesor del epitelio. En presencia de TSH el epitelio se hipertrofia desde el primer día y las cavidades foliculares se reducen considerablemente. Se demuestra que folículos cerrados de tiroides durante ocho días (d) de cultivo conservan su morfología con y sin TSH. Además, estos responden al estímulo de TSH disminuyendo su cavidad folicular y aumentando el espesor del epitelio folicular.

          Translated abstract

          The morphological and functional unit of the thyroid gland is the follicle - an ovoid closed-structure, constituted by a layer of cubical cells (thyrocytes) that lock up a full lumen of the colloid secreted by themselves. In culture, the structures as well as the function of the follicles are lost rapidly in the first 24 hours. However, if the rat thyroid follicles closed are seeded since the beginning of the culture, these conserve the follicular structure, the thyrocyte morphology and the function even as the thyroid hormone synthesis in a similar way to the gland in vivo. This work describes the isolation and the culture of closed swine thyroid follicles and its morphological analysis. The follicles are isolated by enzymatic and mechanic digestion of the thyroid, then they are cultured in agarose with and without thyrotropin (1 mU/ml, TSH). The swine thyroid tissue obtained has the same characteristics of an in vivo hypothyroid gland, an almost flat epithelium, low quantity of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and Golgi complex (GC), short and very scarce microvillus. The isolated and closed follicles cultivated without TSH preserve the ovoid form and the colloid in the lumen, and the same ultrastructure of the thyroid tissue in vivo, RER and GC, but the length of the microvillus as well as the thickness of the epithelium were increased with the culture time. In the presence of TSH the thickness of the epithelium increases from the first day and the follicular cavities reduce considerably. The isolated and closed follicles preserve their morphology in the long term (8 days) of culture with and without the TSH. Besides, they responded to the stimulus of the TSH reducing the follicular cavity.

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          Most cited references53

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          Follicle-like structure and polarized monolayer: role of the extracellular matrix on thyroid cell organization in primary culture.

          The thyroid follicle, the morphofunctional unit of thyroid gland, is a spheroidal structure formed by a monolayer of polarized cells surrounding a closed cavity in which thyroglobulin accumulates. Newly isolated porcine thyroid cells reorganize into two types of structures which differ by the orientation of cell polarity: in follicle-like structures, obtained in the presence of TSH, the apical pole delineates a closed cavity and cells express most parameters characteristic of thyroid function; in inside-out follicles the apical pole is oriented towards the culture medium and cells do not express properly the thyroid function. The organization of newly formed follicles can be modified by stimulation of cell migration or by interaction of their apical poles with a new cell environment. Seeded on a hard surface (glass, plastic), cells of follicle-like structures or inside-out follicles formed in suspension migrate giving a monolayer. On the contrary, cells organized into a monolayer treated with hexamethylene bisacetamide, reorganize into follicle-like structures. Inside-out structures reorganize upon interaction of their apical poles with collagen I gel, a coherent matrix, or with a reconstituted basement membrane (RBM), a soft matrix. Overlaid with collagen I, monolayers reorganize into follicles. Embedded in collagen I or in RBM, inside-out follicles reorient their polarity giving functional follicles. On the RBM surface, cells pull on the gel and embed themselves in the soft matrix gel, finally reorienting their polarity to inside-in polarity. When comparing thyroid cells with other epithelial cell types (mammary cells, Sertoli cells), it appears that the obtention in culture of follicle-like structures, i.e. closed inside-in polarized cell organization, is the best way to express in culture both morphology and function of any specific epithelial tissue, the polarized monolayer in porous bottom culture chamber coming just behind.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Local factors regulating growth and function of human thyroid cells in vitro and in vivo.

            In vitro culture of thyroid follicles is often employed to study thyroid cell biology and the control of thyroid follicular cell growth. For acceptance as a valid model, cultures should maintain differentiated function, which can be measured as the organification of [Formula: see text] and/or the de novo synthesis of thyroid hormones. In this article, the properties and merits of the various in vitro cultures of thyroid follicular cells and the potential effects of thyroid-specific, secreted products (thyroid hormones, thyroglobulin) and autocrine factors (proteases, growth factors and inhibitors) on thyroid growth and function, are explored. The regulation of the secretion of autocrine/paracrine factors by thyroid follicular cells is reviewed and methods by which cells may defend themselves from the effects of bioactive growth factors are discussed with particular reference to FGF signalling. The role and regulation of plasminogen activator activity, which may be central to the release and/or activation of growth factors and their receptors, and the secretion of angiogenic factors are described.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Binding and internalization of thyroglobulin: selectivity, pH dependence, and lack of tissue specificity.

              Thyroglobulin (Tg), the precursor of thyroid hormones, follows a unique secretion, storage, and recapture pathway. The first steps of recapture were studied by investigating the binding of 125I-labeled Tg on the apical surface of inside-out follicles and its internalization. The selectivity of the process was assessed by using molecules other than Tg and/or nonthyroid cells. Tg binding to the apical surface of thyroid inside-out follicles is selective relative to the binding of other molecules. It increases sharply over pH 8.0 and occurs through specific sites of moderately high affinity (Kd = approximately 200 nM; 2 x 10(4) sites/cells). At pH < 8.0 it occurs through numerous sites of very low affinity considered nonspecific. Endocytosis, although weak under our conditions, increases at pH 8.0 concomitantly with binding. Over pH 8.2, however, some inhibition occurs. Surprisingly, Tg binding and endocytosis are not tissue specific, as they showed the same properties on thyroid inside-out follicles and Madin-Darby canine kidney or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Thus, a selective uptake of Tg mediates its recapture by thyroid cells. This selectivity is an intrinsic Tg property, not dependent on the thyrocyte apical surface, as it was observed with Madin-Darby canine kidney and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Given the pH effect observed, we suggest that Tg binding is a regulated phenomenon and that, through luminal pH control, it can vary from a basal level at neutral pH to a stimulated level over pH 8.0.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Acta Biológica Colombiana
                Acta biol.Colomb.
                Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología (Bogotá )
                December 2008
                : 13
                : 3
                : 49-60
                [1 ] Centro Internacional de Física Colombia
                [2 ] Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia
                [3 ] UN Colombia
                [4 ] UN Colombia



                SciELO Colombia

                Self URI (journal page): http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0120-548X&lng=en

                General life sciences
                Closed thyroid follicle,three-dimensional culture,thyrotrophic hormone,folículo tiroideo cerrado,cultivo tridimensional,tirotropina,hormona tirotrópica


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