PE is a pregnancy‐specific syndrome that affects 3%–5% of pregnant women. It often presents as new‐onset hypertension and proteinuria during the third trimester. PE progresses rapidly and may lead to serious complications, including the death of both mother and fetus. In low‐income countries, PE is one of the main causes of maternal and child mortality. While the cause of PE is still debated, clinical and pathological studies suggest that the placenta plays an important role in the pathogenesis of PE.
In this single‐cell RNA‐sequencing (RNA‐seq) study, the placenta was taken from the designated position after cesarean section. We compared placental cell subsets and their transcriptional heterogeneity between preeclampsia and healthy pregnancies using the single‐cell RNA‐seq technology. A developmental trajectory of human trophoblasts was shown.
This information has enriched our understanding of the human placenta and broadened our understanding of the molecular functions of the human placenta in the diseased state. These findings will be helpful in the future discovery of new molecular markers and the discovery of drugs for the treatment of the disease.