NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation
of large biomolecular systems. NAMD scales to hundreds of processors on high-end parallel
platforms, as well as tens of processors on low-cost commodity clusters, and also
runs on individual desktop and laptop computers. NAMD works with AMBER and CHARMM
potential functions, parameters, and file formats. This article, directed to novices
as well as experts, first introduces concepts and methods used in the NAMD program,
describing the classical molecular dynamics force field, equations of motion, and
integration methods along with the efficient electrostatics evaluation algorithms
employed and temperature and pressure controls used. Features for steering the simulation
across barriers and for calculating both alchemical and conformational free energy
differences are presented. The motivations for and a roadmap to the internal design
of NAMD, implemented in C++ and based on Charm++ parallel objects, are outlined. The
factors affecting the serial and parallel performance of a simulation are discussed.
Finally, typical NAMD use is illustrated with representative applications to a small,
a medium, and a large biomolecular system, highlighting particular features of NAMD,
for example, the Tcl scripting language. The article also provides a list of the key
features of NAMD and discusses the benefits of combining NAMD with the molecular graphics/sequence
analysis software VMD and the grid computing/collaboratory software BioCoRE. NAMD
is distributed free of charge with source code at
(c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.