]GRID grid.453088.2, ISNI 0000 0004 0626 8753, Experimental Design and Reporting, NC3Rs, ; London, UK
]GRID grid.482237.8, ISNI 0000 0004 0641 9419, The William Harvey Research Institute, ; London, UK
]GRID grid.4868.2, ISNI 0000 0001 2171 1133, Barts Cardiovascular CTU, , Queen Mary University of London, ; London, UK
]GRID grid.431176.6, Publishing Ethics and Integrity, , Taylor & Francis Group, ; London, UK
]Health Science Practice, ICF, Durham, North Carolina USA
]Opinion, Nature, San Francisco, California USA
]GRID grid.5337.2, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7603, School of Education, , University of Bristol, ; Bristol, UK
]GRID grid.466955.d, Life Sciences, PLOS ONE, ; Cambridge, UK
]GRID grid.5337.2, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7603, School of Biological Sciences, , University of Bristol, ; Bristol, UK
]GRID grid.6363.0, ISNI 0000 0001 2218 4662, QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research, Berlin Institute of Health & Department
of Experimental Neurology, , Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, ; Berlin, Germany
]GRID grid.7445.2, ISNI 0000 0001 2113 8111, National Heart and Lung Institute, , Imperial College London, ; London, UK
]GRID grid.48004.38, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9764, Centre for Evidence Synthesis in Global Health, Clinical Sciences Department, , Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, ; Liverpool, UK
]GRID grid.5491.9, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9297, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, , University of Southampton, ; Southampton, UK
]GRID grid.1009.8, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 826X, Tasmanian School of Medicine, , University of Tasmania, ; Hobart, Australia
]GRID grid.417815.e, ISNI 0000 0004 5929 4381, Data Sciences & Quantitative Biology, Discovery Sciences, R&D, AstraZeneca, ; Cambridge, UK
]Prioris.ai Inc, Ottawa, Canada
]GRID grid.453088.2, ISNI 0000 0004 0626 8753, Animal Welfare, NC3Rs, ; London, UK
]Open Science, Hindawi Ltd, London, UK
]GRID grid.4305.2, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7988, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, , University of Edinburgh, ; Edinburgh, UK
]GRID grid.5600.3, ISNI 0000 0001 0807 5670, Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub, , Cardiff University, ; Cardiff, UK
]GRID grid.14105.31, ISNI 0000000122478951, Policy, Ethics and Governance, Medical Research Council, ; London, UK
]GRID grid.15276.37, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8091, Statistics in Anesthesiology Research (STAR), Department of Anesthesiology College
of Medicine, , University of Florida, ; Gainesville, Florida USA
]GRID grid.1013.3, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 834X, Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health, , University of Sydney, ; Sydney, Australia
]GRID grid.416870.c, ISNI 0000 0001 2177 357X, Research Quality, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, ; Bethesda, MD USA
]GRID grid.419619.2, ISNI 0000 0004 0623 0341, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, ; Beerse, Belgium
]GRID grid.5734.5, ISNI 0000 0001 0726 5157, Veterinary Public Health Institute, Vetsuisse Faculty, , University of Bern, ; Bern, Switzerland
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