Current concerns about aging populations are being translated into legislations to postpone the statutory age at retirement. However, if this is done without considering inequalities in longevity across occupational groups, some may face higher vulnerabilities than others. We examine differences in life expectancy and happiness by occupational position for the Spanish population aged 50 and over. We use happiness as a measure of subjective wellbeing, and compute life expectancy and happy life expectancy by sex and main occupation. Age-specific death rates are calculated using administrative data, and happiness prevalence comes from the European Social Survey. We show that both men and women in managerial positions were advantaged in terms of life expectancy, but only men record more years with happiness. In addition, women in routine jobs were the ones who could expect to live shorter and unhappier. Postponing the statutory age at retirement without considering these differences could be detrimental to women's wellbeing and health.
This is first study that documents the general pattern on inequalities in longevity by gender and main occupational position in Spain.
We show that women in routine jobs were systematically the ones who were expected to live shorter and unhappier.
Men and women in managerial positions lived longer, but only men record more years with happiness.
After retirement, the gap in life expectancy across groups decreased among men but increased among women.