We established multiple University of Michigan Squamous Cell Carcinoma (UM-SCC) cell lines. With time, these have been distributed to other labs all over the world. Recent scientific discussions have noted the need to confirm the origin and identity of cell lines in grant proposals and journal articles. We genotyped the UM-SCC cell lines in our collection to confirm their unique identity. Early-passage UM-SCC cell lines were genotyped and photographed. Thus far, 73 unique head and neck UM-SCC cell lines (from 65 donors, including 21 lines from 17 females) were genotyped. In 7 cases, separate cell lines were established from the same donor. These results will be posted on the UM Head and Neck SPORE Tissue Core website for other investigators to confirm that the UM-SCC cells used in their laboratories have the correct features. Publications using UM-SCC cell lines should confirm the genotype.