Regulatory influence of the G-quadruplex or G4 motif present within the nuclease hypersensitive element (NHE) in the promoter of c-MYC has been noted. On the other hand, association of NM23-H2 to the NHE leads to c-MYC activation. Therefore, NM23-H2 interaction with the G4 motif within the c-MYC NHE presents an interesting mechanistic possibility. Herein, using luciferase reporter assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation we show NM23-H2 mediated c-MYC activation involves NM23-H2-G4 motif binding within the c-MYC NHE. G4 motif complex formation with recombinant NM23-H2 was independently confirmed using fluorescence energy transfer, which also indicated that the G4 motif was resolved to an unfolded state within the protein-bound complex. Taken together, this supports transcriptional role of NM23-H2 via a G4 motif.