The Community-Based Rural Development Program (CBRDP) was initially hailed as a comprehensive solution for enhancing the well-being of rural communities. However, a significant research gap exists in understanding the impact of the program's infrastructure projects on the livelihoods of its beneficiaries, necessitating a dedicated investigation. This study employed a single case study design, collecting data from district assembly staff and beneficiaries through interviews and observations, with thematic analysis as the analytical approach. The findings uncovered that the CBRDP led to the provision of economic and social infrastructure. The provision of this infrastructure empowered the beneficiaries, resulting in tangible improvements in livelihoods. However, the sustainability of these gains is not guaranteed. To address this, it is recommended that a bottom-up approach be employed for needs assessment, and the establishment of maintenance funds is deemed crucial for ensuring the sustainability of infrastructure delivers long-term benefits.
Community-Based Rural Development Program (CBRDP) delivered economic and social infrastructure.
The provided infrastructure significantly enhanced the livelihoods of beneficiaries.
Social infrastructure enhanced female livelihoods, while physical infrastructure projects mainly benefited males.
Infrastructure projects faced sustainability challenges.
Lack of community involvement in needs assessment and decisions led to apathy and ownership issues.