It is shown that for a certain class of the Kato functions the Trotter-Kato product formulae converge in Dixmier ideal C 1,\(\infty\) in topology, which is defined by the \(\times\) 1,\(\infty\)-norm. Moreover, the rate of convergence in this topology inherits the error-bound estimate for the corresponding operator-norm convergence. 1 since [24], [14]. Note that a subtle point of this program is the question about the rate of convergence in the corresponding topology. Since the limit of the Trotter-Kato product formula is a strongly continuous semigroup, for the von Neumann-Schatten ideals this topology is the trace-norm \(\times\) 1 on the trace-class ideal C 1 (H). In this case the limit is a Gibbs semigroup [25]. For self-adjoint Gibbs semigroups the rate of convergence was estimated for the first time in [7] and [9]. The authors considered the case of the Gibbs-Schr{\"o}dinger semigroups. They scrutinised in these papers a dependence of the rate of convergence for the (exponential) Trotter formula on the smoothness of the potential in the Schr{\"o}dinger generator. The first abstract result in this direction was due to [19]. In this paper a general scheme of lifting the operator-norm rate convergence for the Trotter-Kato product formulae was proposed and advocated for estimation the rate of the trace-norm