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      Upgrading (V)HTR fuel elements for generationIV goals by SiC encapsulation Translated title: Verbesserung der (V)HTR Brennelemente gemäß Generation IV-Zielen durch SiC-Einkapselung

      1 , 2 , 3
      Carl Hanser Verlag

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          The pebble bed reactor is one of the most promising concepts for (V)HTR. Nevertheless recent re-evaluation of AVR and THTR results emphasizes once more that claimed advantages strongly depend on the properties of the fuel elements and their behavior under operational conditions. Additionally safeguards, waste management and disposal aspects gain increasing importance today. The conventional uncoated graphite pebbles meet only inadequately the requirements of Generation IV facilities. Since long experts agree, that corrosion-resistant pebbles with high retention capability for fission products would considerably improve the chances of the pebble bed reactor concept. With laser beam joining of ceramics the key technology is now available for the silicon carbide (SiC) encapsulation of (V)HTR components. The envisaged innovative fuel element consists of a robust SiC hollow sphere filled with moderator and TRISO coated particles. The positive assessment according to Gen IV criteria should justify necessary R&D efforts to obtain qualified fuel elements and demonstrate their superiority under operational conditions.


          Der Kugelhaufenreaktor ist eines der vielversprechendsten Konzepte für den (V)HTR. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigen neuere Einschätzungen der AVR- und THTR-Ergebnisse einmal mehr, dass die reklamierten Vorteile stark von den Eigenschaften der Brennelemente und ihrem Verhalten unter Betriebsbedingungen abhängen. Zusätzlich gewinnen heute Aspekte von Safeguards, Abfall-Management und Endlagerung eine wachsende Bedeutung. Die konventionellen, unbeschichteten Graphit-Kugeln erfüllen die Anforderungen an Generation IV-Anlagen nur ungenügend. Seit langen ist man sich in Fachkreisen einig, dass korrosionsresistente Brennelemente mit hoher Rückhaltefähigkeit für Spaltprodukte die Zukunftschancen des Kugelhaufenreaktor-Konzepts erheblich verbessern würden. Mit dem Laser-Fügeverfahren für Keramik ist nun die Schlüsseltechnologie für eine Siliziumkarbid (SiC)–Kapselung von (V)HTR-Komponenten verfügbar. Das vorgestellte innovative Brennelement soll aus einer robusten SiC-Hohlkugel bestehen, die mit dem Moderatormaterial und TRISO Coated Particles gefüllt wird. Die positive Einschätzung der erwarteten Eigenschaften gemäß den Gen IV-Kriterien sollte verstärkte F&E-Anstrengungen rechtfertigen, um qualifizierte Brennelemente herzustellen und ihre Überlegenheit unter Betriebsbedingungen nachzuweisen.

          Most cited references4

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          Nuclear graphite friction properties and the influence of friction properties on the pebble bed

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            • Article: found

            AVR prototype pebble bed reactor: a safety re-evaluation of its operation and consequences for future reactors

            The AVR pebble bed reactor (46 MWth) was operated 1967 – 1988 at coolant outlet temperatures up to 990°C, which are suitable for process heat applications. Also because of a lack of other experience the AVR operation is a basis for future HTRs. This paper deals with insufficiently published but unresolved safety problems of AVR and draws conclusions for future pebble bed HTRs: Although the AVR was operated only for about 4 years at coolant temperatures > 900 °C its primary circuit is heavily contaminated with dust bound metallic fission products ( 90 Sr, 137 Cs), which create major problems in current dismantling. The end of life contamination reached several percent of a single core inventory. The AVR contamination was mainly caused by inadmissible high core temperatures, and not – as presumed in the past – by inadequate fuel quality only. The high core temperatures, which cannot be easily measured in pebble beds, are probably caused by the insufficiently examined pebble bed mechanics. Safety of future reactors requires a gas tight containment and in addition elaborate R&D or reduction of requirements concerning temperatures and burn-up.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
              • Article: not found

              Experimental Investigation on Feasibility of Two-Region-Designed Pebble-Bed High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor


                Author and article information

                Carl Hanser Verlag
                : 77
                : 5
                : 351-355
                1 GWT Technische Universitaet Dresden GmbH, Blasewitzer Str. 43, D-01307 Dresden, Email: juergen.knorr@ 123456gwtonline-fb.de
                2 SiCeram GmbH, Am Nasstal 10, D-07751 Jena-Maua, Email: a.kerber@ 123456jsj.de
                3 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, D-52425 Juelich, Email: r.moormann@ 123456gmx.de
                © 2012, Carl Hanser Verlag, München
                : 20 December 2011
                Page count
                References: 14, Pages: 5
                Technical Contributions/Fachbeiträge

                Materials technology,Materials for energy,Nuclear physics
                Materials technology, Materials for energy, Nuclear physics


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