A series of brief notes on distribution of vascular plants alien to Kyrgyzstan is presented. A further expansion of Anthemis ruthenica ( Asteraceae ), Crambe orientalis ( Brassicaceae ) and Salvia aethiopis ( Lamiaceae ) in northern and northwestern Kyrgyzstan is recorded. The first record of Chenopodium vulvaria ( Amaranthaceae ) from the northern side of Kyrgyz Range is confirmed, and the species was found for the second time in Alay Range. The ephemerous occurrence of Hirschfeldia incana ( Brassicaceae ) in Central Asia is recorded for the first time from Fergana Range. Tragus racemosus ( Poaceae ) is first recorded from the Chüy Depression as an ephemerous alien. Arrhenatherum elatius , escaped from cultivation and locally established, is new to the country. The second record of established occurrence of Centaurea solstitialis ( Asteraceae ) and an ephemerous occurrence of Glaucium corniculatum ( Papaveraceae ) are presented. Complete information is collected about the occurrence of every mentioned species in Kyrgyzstan.