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      Education-based grant programmes for bottom-up distance learning and project catalysis: Antimicrobial Resistance in Sub-Saharan Africa

      In review

            Author Summary


            International development and aid are often conducted through the allocation of funding determined by decisions of non-locals, especially in the west for those in the global south. In addition, such funding is often disassociated from local expertise, therefore providing little long-term developmental impact and generating distrust. This is particularly true for conservation, as well as environmental and educational programmes. We hypothesise that by granting local people the educational tools and the necessary funding to develop their own projects through the use of an applicant driven peer-review approach, it is possible to relocalize the decision-making process to the programme participants, with the potential to generate and select more relevant projects with developmental outcomes of higher quality. Here we created an online curriculum for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) education that was followed by 89 participants across Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Uganda. We then created an open research programme that facilitated the creation of eight de novo projects on AMR. Finally, we organised an applicant-driven grant round to allocate funding to the “Neonatal Sepsis in Nigeria” project to conduct a pilot study and awareness campaign. This work opens perspectives for the design of frugal educational programmes and the funding of context-specific, community-driven projects aimed at empowering local stakeholders in the global South. 


            International development and aid are often conducted through the allocation of funding determined by decisions of non-locals, especially in the west for those in the global south. In addition, such funding is often disassociated from local expertise, therefore providing little long-term developmental impact and generating distrust. This is particularly true for conservation, as well as environmental and educational programmes. We hypothesise that by granting local people the educational tools and the necessary funding to develop their own projects through the use of an applicant driven peer-review approach, it is possible to relocalize the decision-making process to the programme participants, with the potential to generate and select more relevant projects with developmental outcomes of higher quality. Here we created an online curriculum for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) education that was followed by 89 participants across Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Uganda. We then created an open research programme that facilitated the creation of eight de novo projects on AMR. Finally, we organised an applicant-driven grant round to allocate funding to the “Neonatal Sepsis in Nigeria” project to conduct a pilot study and awareness campaign. This work opens perspectives for the design of frugal educational programmes and the funding of context-specific, community-driven projects aimed at empowering local stakeholders in the global South.


            Author and article information

            AfricArXiv Preprints
            30 May 2022
            [1 ] Just One Giant Lab, Paris, France and University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
            [2 ] Duplex Bioscience LBG, Accra, Ghana
            [3 ] Just One Giant Lab, Paris, France
            [4 ] Mbeya University of Science and Technology, Mbeya Tanzania
            [5 ] University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana
            [6 ] Université Paris Cité, INSERM, U1284, F-75004 Paris, France
            Author notes
            Author information

            This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com .

            : 30 May 2022
            Microbiology Society, IFD GA002608

            The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available in the repository: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZifTb9VLlzzWA6e-ckT2oletSYvJbDXK?usp=sharing
            Assessment, Evaluation & Research methods,Education & Public policy,Molecular biology
            Community Review,Online Curriculum,Web platform,Decision making,Grant allocation,AMR


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