Emitters placed in an optical cavity experience an environment that changes their coupling to light. In the weak-coupling regime light extraction is enhanced, but more profound effects emerge in the single-molecule strong-coupling regime where mixed light-matter states form 1, 2. Individual two-level emitters in such cavities become non-linear for single photons, forming key building blocks for quantum information systems as well as ultra-low power switches and lasers 3– 6. Such cavity quantum electrodynamics has until now been the preserve of low temperatures and complex fabrication, severely compromising their use 5, 7, 8. Here, by scaling the cavity volume below 40 nm 3 and using host-guest chemistry to align 1-10 protectively-isolated methylene-blue molecules, we reach the strong-coupling regime at room temperature and in ambient conditions. Dispersion curves from >50 plasmonic nanocavities display characteristic anticrossings, with Rabi frequencies of 300 meV for 10 molecules decreasing to 90 meV for single molecules, matching quantitative models. Statistical analysis of vibrational spectroscopy time-series and dark-field scattering spectra provide evidence of single-molecule strong coupling. This dressing of molecules with light can modify photochemistry, opening up the exploration of complex natural processes such as photosynthesis 9 and pathways towards manipulation of chemical bonds 10.