Antennae are often considered to be the nostrils of insects. Here, we sequenced the transcriptome of the pheromone gland-ovipositor complex of Helicoverpa assulta and discovered that an odorant receptor (OR) gene, HassOR31, had much higher expression in the ovipositor than in antennae or other tissues. To determine whether the ovipositor was involved in odorant detection, we co-expressed HassOR31 and its co-receptor, HassORco, in a Xenopus oocyte model system, and demonstrated that the OR was responsive to 12 plant odorants, especially Z-3-hexenyl butyrate. These odorants elicited electrophysiological responses of some sensilla in the ovipositor, and HassOR31 and HassORco were co-expressed within ovipositor sensilla. Two oviposition preference experiments showed that female moths lacking antennae still preferentially selected oviposition sites containing plant volatiles. We suggest that the expression of HassOR31 in the ovipositor of H. assulta helps females to determine precise egg-laying sites in host plants.
When most insects reproduce they lay eggs that hatch into juveniles known as larvae. To provide good sources of food for the larvae, the adult insects have to carefully select where to lay the eggs. Host plants produce specific sets of chemicals known as odorants that the adult insects are able to smell using proteins called odorant receptors.
It is generally thought that odorant receptors in the antennae on the head are responsible for guiding adult insects to good egg-laying sites. However, recent studies have reported that odorant receptors are also present in the egg-laying organs of several different species of moth. It remains unclear what role these odorant receptors may play in egg-laying.
The oriental tobacco budworm ( Helicoverpa assulta) is considered a serious pest in agriculture. The adult moths lay their eggs on a narrow range of plants in the nightshade family including tobacco and hot pepper. Li et al. have now investigated the odorant receptors of H. assulta and found that one gene for an odorant receptor called HassOR31 was expressed much more in the egg-laying organs of the moths than in the antennae. Further experiments showed that this receptor was tuned to respond to 12 odorants that also stimulated responses in the egg-laying organ of H. assulta. Together these findings suggest that this odorant receptor in the egg-laying organ helps the moths find suitable host plants to lay their eggs on.
The work of Li et al. may help us understand how H. assulta evolved to lay its eggs on specific members of the nightshade family and lead to new methods of controlling this pest. An insect’s sense of smell guides many other behaviors including finding food, mates and avoiding enemies. Therefore, these findings may inspire researchers to investigate whether odorant receptors in the antennae or other organs guide these behaviors.