Characterization of the relationship between external pressure and blood flow is important in the examination of pressure-induced disturbance in tissue microcirculation. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based microangiography is a promising imaging technique, capable of providing the noninvasive extraction of functional vessels within the skin tissue with capillary-scale resolution. Here, we present a feasibility study of OCT microangiography (OMAG) to evaluate changes in blood perfusion in response to externally applied pressure on human skin tissue in vivo. External force is loaded normal to the tissue surface at the nailfold region of a healthy human volunteer. An incremental force is applied step by step and then followed by an immediate release. Skin perfusion events including baseline are continuously imaged by OMAG, allowing for visualization and quantification of the capillary perfusion in the nailfold tissue. The tissue strain maps are simultaneously evaluated through the available OCT structural images to assess the relationship of the microcirculation response to the applied pressure. The results indicate that the perfusion progressively decreases with the constant increase of pressure. Reactive hyperemia occurs right after the removal of the pressure. The perfusion returns to the baseline level after a few minutes. These findings suggest that OMAG may have great potential for quantitatively assessing tissue microcirculation in the locally pressed tissue in vivo.