Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) is the second most frequent cause of childhood chronic kidney disease. Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF) (MIM# 256300) is caused by biallelic variants in the gene NPHS1, encoding nephrin, an integral component of the kidney filtration barrier. No causal treatments exist, and children inevitably require kidney replacement therapy. In preparation for gene replacement therapy (GRT) in CNF, we established a quantifiable and reproducible phenotypic assessment of the nephrin-deficient CNF mouse model: 129/Sv- Nphs1 tm1Rkl /J. We assessed the phenotypic spectrum of homozygous mice ( Nphs1 tm1Rkl /Nphs1 tm1Rkl ) compared to heterozygous controls ( Nphs1 tm1Rkl /Nphs1 WT ) by the following parameters: 1. cohort survival, 2. podocyte foot process (FP) density per glomerular basement membrane (GBM) using transmission electron microscopy, 3. tubular microcysts in brightfield microscopy, and 4. urinary albumin/creatinine ratios. Nphs1 tm1Rkl /Nphs1 tm1Rkl mice exhibited: 1. perinatal lethality with median survival of 1 day, 2. FP effacement with median FP density of 1.00 FP/µm GBM (2.12 FP/µm in controls), 3. tubular dilation with 65 microcysts per section (6.5 in controls), and 4. increased albumin/creatinine ratio of 238 g/g (4.1 g/g in controls). We here established four quantifiable phenotyping features of a CNF mouse model to facilitate future GRT studies by enabling sensitive detection of phenotypic improvements.