RESUMEN Introducción y objetivos: Somnoscopy can Valore the possible obstruction in superior aerodigestive tract, that lead to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Our objective is showing our experience using the somnoscopy or DISE (drug induced sleep endoscopy). Material y métodos: Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de 17 pacientes de los que se excluyen finalmente 2. La edad de los pacientes varió de 34 a 72 años. Se practica polisomnografía previa y el IAH medio fue 7,32±8,71. Discusión y conclusión: La DISE es una técnica segura, reproducible y aplicable en cualquier servicio de ORL. Así mismo, permite individualizar el tratamiento quirúrgico y probablemente evitar cirugías innecesarias.
ABSTRACT Introduction and objectives: The diagnostic test of COVID-19 with the highest sensitivity is a nasopharyngeal sample using a swab for subsequent study using RT-PCR. The objective of our work is to explain in detail the most appropriate way to perform this technique. Material and methods: We present a retrospective study of 17 patients. Finally, two patients were excluded. The patients were 34-72 years old. A Polysomnography was done, and hypopneaapnea index was 7,32±8,71. Discussion and conclusions: This a secure technique and can be reproduced in all ENT services. DISE less us individualize chirurgical treatment and avoid us unnecessary patients' operations.