Planetary Health, EcoHealth and One Health
In 2015, the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission published a report: Safeguarding
Human Health in the Anthropocene Epoch.1 This report outlines the extent to which
human activities have degraded the earth’s ecosystems such that basic life support
services have become threatened. Among the threats are greenhouse gases and resulting
climate change, severe weather patterns, deforestation, desertification, ocean acidification,
zoonotic disease outbreaks, biodiversity loss and particulate air pollution. The report
concludes that these planetary phenomena pose a serious and urgent threat to human
health, well-being and sustainability, and calls for immediate attention to critical
multidisciplinary research, and evidence-based policy formulation and timely implementation.
The Lancet Commission report has spawned a number of Planetary Health efforts, focused
on policy, education and research, with initial support provided by the Rockefeller
Foundation and more recently the Wellcome Trust.2 Activities include formation of
a Planetary Health Alliance of over 95 universities, non-governmental organisations,
government entities, research institutes and other partners, a website portal,3 an
annual Planetary Health conference, and a new journal dedicated to the topic.4
Interest in the Planetary Health approach has led to a re-examination of similar existing
approaches such as One Health5 and EcoHealth.6 One Health, an interdisciplinary approach
stressing connections between human, animal and environmental health, gained momentum
as a response to the steadily increasing drumbeat of emerging zoonotic disease outbreaks
in recent decades, including the West Nile virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome,
Nipah and Hendra viruses, Ebola, avian influenza, H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza,5 and
most recently Ebola in West Africa, zika and yellow fever.7 The threat to global health
from antimicrobial resistance, now understood to stem from overuse of antibiotics
in both humans and animals, with environmental accumulation of antibiotic residues
and resistant organisms and genes, has led to further support for One Health solutions.8
A recent editorial in The BMJ highlighted the utility of a One Health approach.9
The One Health approach has now been endorsed by numerous international agencies,
including the WHO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE),10 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the Emerging Pandemic Threat programme of the US Agency for International Development’s
(USAID/EPT),11 the European Union,12 the Wellcome Trust,2 the UK-based Fleming Fund,13
and the international Global Health Security Agenda.14 It has been a focus of discussion
at diverse international meetings, including the Davos, Switzerland Economic Summit15
and Thailand’s Prince Mahidol Award Conferences.16 The USAID/EPT programme has fostered
the development of two One Health university networks—SEAOHUN in South-East Asia,
and OHCEA in Eastern and Central Africa—that are engaged in One Health workforce development
in those regions.17
Despite such widespread and growing acceptance, the One Health approach has been criticised
for an excessive focus on emerging zoonotic diseases, inadequate incorporation of
environmental concepts and expertise,18 and insufficient incorporation of social science
and behavioural aspects of health and governance.19 20 Reviews of the burgeoning One
Health literature have noted persistent scientific silos between human, animal and
environmental sectors,21 the fact that many papers purporting to use a One Health
approach actually consider only human and animal health (leaving out environmental
health considerations),22 and that a need remains for additional proof-of-concept
demonstrations on the added value of simultaneously considering human, animal and
environmental health issues and outcomes in a One Health framework.23 24 To address
such concerns, the recently published Checklist for One Health Epidemiological Reporting
of Evidence,25 registered on the EQUATOR (Quality and Transparency in Health Research)
network,26 encourages greater rigour and transparency in the reporting of One Health
epidemiological research.
How then does One Health relate to Planetary Health? In a recent review, Lerner and
Berg27 define One Health as a concept that values interdisciplinarity, public health,
animal health and ecosystem health. The related concept of EcoHealth is seen as focusing,
primarily, on biodiversity as well as participatory knowledge-to-action approaches.
Planetary Health, by contrast, in Lerner and Berg’s27 opinion, has a more ‘anthropocentric’
perspective, viewing ecosystems (including animals as part of the biotic environment)
largely in terms of their contribution to human health, well-being and sustainability.
One Health as a systems approach incorporating Planetary and EcoHealth concepts
While the importance of emerging zoonotic diseases should be obvious to the readers
of BMJ Global Health, we argue for further development of the One Health framework
to better incorporate Planetary and EcoHealth concepts and the sense of urgency regarding
environmental support systems. This expanded One Health framework builds on earlier
systems approaches to human health, such as the biopsychosocial model of health proposed
by Engel in the 1970s.28 In the biopsychosocial model (figure 1), human health is
presented as a hierarchically organised system of increasing complexity, going from
molecular interactions at the subcellular level, to tissues, organs and eventually
individual humans. Many of these interactions on the lower end of the hierarchy, such
as gene expression and medication effects, are the domain of systems biology and much
of the practice of clinical medicine. The biopsychosocial model continues vertically
towards levels of greater complexity, including interactions of humans in family groups,
communities and larger societies. These more macroscopic interactions, and strategies
to address population health at the community, national and global levels, relate
more to the fields of public health, psychology and the social sciences, including
economics and political science.
Figure 1
Hierarchically organised system of human health, adapted from Engel.28
Our vision of One Health expands on this single hierarchical system of human health,
to include simultaneously the three interconnected systems of humans, animals and
the environment (figure 2). Like the biopsychosocial model, each system is organised
vertically in levels of increasing complexity, from very simple molecular components
up to complex systems of the global biosphere and the global populations of humans
and animals.
Figure 2
System levels for different types of One Health interactions.
According to this framework, the One Health approach deals with the health-related
interactions that occur between these systems at differing levels of complexity. Such
interactions can take place at a molecular or cellular level: for example, the effect
of environmental chemical exposures on cell receptors of humans or animals, or the
exchange of antibiotic resistance genes between microbial communities of humans, animals
or the environment. As with the biopsychosocial model for human health, many of these
interactions can be described with systems biology or pathogen biology. Interactions
can also occur at an individual level, such as the direct contact between a human
and a companion animal in a household, and may require clinical interventions such
as treatment of infection. At higher levels of interactions, such as community, national,
regional and global population levels, other tools such as epidemiology, social and
behavioural sciences, as well as atmospheric and geological sciences, and ‘big data’
expertise and approaches will be required.
In this way, the One Health approach can ‘zoom out’ to address macrolevel or ‘planetary’-level
interactions, such as the combined effect of growing human and animal populations
on greenhouse gas emissions at the global/biospheric scale.
Scaling from pathogens to populations
One advantage of this expanded One Health framework is that it emphasises how interactions
at clinical and local public health levels, such as emerging infectious diseases in
individuals, households or communities, are connected to higher level, more complex
threats to health and sustainability, including factors such as climate change, deforestation,
and how they are impacted through land and water use, types of food production, human
behaviours, poverty, equity and governance.
As an example, characterisation of outbreaks of the zoonotic disease, Ebola, can be
made at the individual level, where it is infecting humans, non-human primates and
other animals. At this level, transmission events occur due to different types of
contacts among and between humans and animals (eg, hunting, occupational, cultural
practices, species-specific susceptibility and contaminated environmental sources).
Addressing these problems involves knowledge of the viral transmission pathways and
reducing contact between infected and susceptible individuals. At the more macroscopic
level, however, the scope and severity of recent Ebola outbreaks may be related to
deforestation, which is connected to local food insecurity and other uses of forests
by expanding human and livestock populations, which are related in turn to cultural
beliefs and practices, governance challenges and economic pressures. At a higher,
national level, organisation of public health and economic systems affects education
levels, access to healthcare and nutritious, affordable foods, and demographic trends
including urbanisation and greater travel between villages and cities. These factors
all have implications for agricultural systems and road building that affect the environment
as well as both livestock and wildlife populations. Scaling up further involves consideration
of regional changes in biodiversity and climate and the effect on bat reservoirs of
the virus, and the effect of global travel patterns in moving the virus over large
Animals as sentinels
In another scenario, a disease outbreak in an animal population, such as a sudden
stranding of whales or other marine mammals, can capture the attention of the media
and the public, raise questions on the causes of unexpected die-offs, and provide
windows of opportunity for instituting needed, urgent solutions. While investigation
of such events sometimes reveals a discrete proximate cause such as a viral infection
or a toxic exposure, such a ‘sentinel event’ in animals may be an indicator of higher
level environmental and human forces at play.
Figure 3 shows how an animal sentinel event at an individual or group level can be
mapped to larger, often planetary-level forces, resulting in improved articulation
of research questions and more effective solutions. For example, accumulation of plastics
found in the stomach of a stranded marine mammal may be a sign of wider contamination
of marine environments by microplastics related to changes in the use of plastics
in the textile industry.29 Widespread pollution by microplastics has considerable
economic ramifications, including concerns about unsustainable manufacturing processes
that could be affecting aquatic ecosystems, including fisheries important to the human
food supply. Addressing this problem, therefore, may require major changes on the
part of manufacturers and consumers, involving national and international policy initiatives.
Figure 3
How sentinel events in animals and humans can provide warning of health threats at
higher global and planetary levels.
In another example, the outbreak of mercury poisoning among fish-eating residents
of Minamata, Japan, due to contamination in local fish from the polluted bay30 was
preceded by die-offs of fish and neurological disease events in cats and other animals.
The event also showed the health danger of unregulated industrial manufacturing and
widespread chemical pollution of the environment.
Sustainable coexistence: humans and animals sharing environments
The One Health framework can be used not just to identify and control health threats,
but also to identify positive models for healthy coexistence, well-being and sustainability
of these interconnected systems. For example, a farm with animals, if managed using
One Health principles that optimise the health and well-being of the humans (farm
workers, farm families, community members and consumers) as well as the animals and
the local environment (protecting forests and water supplies, reducing energy consumption,
using renewable energy, and eliminating air and chemical pollution) can provide a
model that, if replicated on a wider scale, could help mitigate the environmental
consequences of agricultural food production. Assessing the sustainability of different
types of farming practices in a One Health way requires skills of modelling and integration
of human, animal and environmental outcomes on a larger scale, considering aspects
such as carbon footprint and life-cycle assessment.
Why animal health matters
A recent European consensus statement described the key aspects of the One Health
concept as interspecies equity (valuing animal health and well-being simultaneously
with humans), stewardship and resilience.31 Yet why should the global health community
concern itself with animal health issues? It could be argued that, given the urgency
of environmental degradation described in the Planetary Health report, higher priority
should go to actions that focus on the survival of humans. In this worldview, animals
are viewed as part of the life-supporting environment, contributing to the rich and
complex biodiversity of ecosystems (necessary for the survival, well-being and health
of humans and other species) and providing nutrition for human populations (at the
pinnacle of the food chain). Yet there are important reasons to apply instead a One
Health framework that places intrinsic value on considering the health and well-being
of animals separate from environmental considerations.
For one, the increasing number and rate of zoonotic disease events are directly related
to the way that humans are managing land use, and wild and domestic animal populations,
and therefore are likely to continue to occur. Simplistic solutions to zoonotic disease
threats such as attempting to cull wildlife32 have proven futile in the past and are
now understood to result in many negative unintended consequences for local people.
Instead, we need to devise new and innovative methods of human coexistence with animals
that will necessitate close cooperation between human, animal and environmental health
professionals and other disciplines. Second, the relationship between animals and
humans offers important economic and societal impacts, including many positive aspects
in relation to non-communicable disease and health that are not adequately covered
by a narrow focus on zoonotic disease.33 An example is our growing understanding that
contact with animals may have effects on the human microbiome that could have a beneficial
impact on the risk of allergies and asthma.34
Third, as discussed above, animals can be the canary in the coal mine warning us of
new threats from environmental change. Ignoring such disease events risks or placing
a low priority to investigating and understanding them risks delays in our understanding
of the health implications of a changing environment. Fourth, there is a growing ethical
discussion about the intrinsic value of animal life as well as animal welfare that
seems likely to continue, making it important to consider issues such as animal well-being
when designing policies related to environmental sustainability or control of specific
disease threats.35
Lastly, the human affection and attachment to animals that has evolved over thousands
of years is also likely to continue, and can be a critical leverage point in finding
ways to promote policy, family and individual actions to protect the ecosystems we
depend on for life. For example, the Planetary Health report mentions the paradox
of certain global burden of disease indicators currently improving despite the many
warning signs of environmental degradation. By contrast, the increase in animal disease
outbreaks and species extinctions, clearly with important environmental change drivers,
may be easier for the public to connect with. This could help drive support for policy
Connecting global health to sustainability
This ‘planetary’ vision for One Health, therefore, encompasses important aspects of
both the One Health and Planetary Health frameworks that facilitate going from ‘local
to global’, or more accurately ‘molecular to planetary’, to address the health, well-being
and sustainability of humans, animals and the environment. This allows for consideration
of a wide range of local solutions to complex health challenges rather than a ‘one
size fits all’ prescription that could result from a top-down approach.33 Employing
a comprehensive One Health framework encourages multidisciplinarity in global health
research, education, programme and policy assessments, planning, and implementation.
It also requires further development of useful metrics for tracking One Health outcomes,36
as well as better ways to assess impact.31
We encourage discussion and further development of this planetary One Health approach,
and BMJ Global Health welcomes submissions based on the planetary One Health approach.
Adopting the planetary vision for One Health will help to better connect ongoing global
health efforts in disease control and preparedness to larger underlying and pressing
issues of environmental change, equity and sustainability. Creating local models of
healthy coexistence between humans and animal populations and the environments they
share and depend on for life is critical for ensuring a sustainable future for our
shared home of planet earth.