We present up to 45 years of cancer incidence data by occupational category for the
Nordic populations. The study covers the 15 million people aged 30-64 years in the
1960, 1970, 1980/1981 and/or 1990 censuses in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and
Sweden, and the 2.8 million incident cancer cases diagnosed in these people in a follow-up
until about 2005. The study was undertaken as a cohort study with linkage of individual
records based on the personal identity codes used in all the Nordic countries. In
the censuses, information on occupation for each person was provided through free
text in self-administered questionnaires. The data were centrally coded and computerised
in the statistical offices. For the present study, the original occupational codes
were reclassified into 53 occupational categories and one group of economically inactive
persons. All Nordic countries have a nation-wide registration of incident cancer cases
during the entire study period. For the present study the incident cancer cases were
classified into 49 primary diagnostic categories. Some categories have been further
divided according to sub-site or morphological type. The observed number of cancer
cases in each group of persons defined by country, sex, age, period and occupation
was compared with the expected number calculated from the stratum specific person
years and the incidence rates for the national population. The result was presented
as a standardised incidence ratio, SIR, defined as the observed number of cases divided
by the expected number. For all cancers combined (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer),
the study showed a wide variation among men from an SIR of 0.79 (95% confidence interval
0.66-0.95) in domestic assistants to 1.48 (1.43-1.54) in waiters. The occupations
with the highest SIRs also included workers producing beverage and tobacco, seamen
and chimney sweeps. Among women, the SIRs varied from 0.58 (0.37-0.87) in seafarers
to 1.27 (1.19-1.35) in tobacco workers. Low SIRs were found for farmers, gardeners
and teachers. Our study was able to repeat most of the confirmed associations between
occupations and cancers. It is known that almost all mesotheliomas are associated
with asbestos exposure. Accordingly, plumbers, seamen and mechanics were the occupations
with the highest risk in the present study. Mesothelioma was the cancer type showing
the largest relative differences between the occupations. Outdoor workers such as
fishermen, gardeners and farmers had the highest risk of lip cancer, while the lowest
risk was found among indoor workers such as physicians and artistic workers. Studies
of nasal cancer have shown increased risks associated with exposure to wood dust,
both for those in furniture making and for those exposed exclusively to soft wood
like the majority of Nordic woodworkers. We observed an SIR of 1.84 (1.66-2.04) in
male and 1.88 (0.90-3.46) in female woodworkers. For nasal adenocarcinoma, the SIR
in males was as high as 5.50 (4.60-6.56). Male waiters and tobacco workers had the
highest risk of lung cancer, probably attributable to active and passive smoking.
Miners and quarry workers also had a high risk, which might be related to their exposure
to silica dust and radon daughters. Among women, tobacco workers and engine operators
had a more than fourfold risk as compared with the lung cancer risk among farmers,
gardeners and teachers. The occupational risk patterns were quite similar in all main
histological subtypes of lung cancer. Bladder cancer is considered as one of the cancer
types most likely to be related to occupational carcinogens. Waiters had the highest
risk of bladder cancer in men and tobacco workers in women, and the low-risk categories
were the same ones as for lung cancer. All this can be accounted for by smoking. The
second-highest SIRs were among chimney sweeps and hairdressers. Chimney sweeps are
exposed to carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the chimney soot,
and hairdressers' work environment is also rich in chemical agents. Exposure to the
known hepatocarcinogens, the Hepatitis B virus and aflatoxin, is rare in the Nordic
countries, and a large proportion of primary liver cancers can therefore be attributed
to alcohol consumption. The highest risks of liver cancer were seen in occupational
categories with easy access to alcohol at the work place or with cultural traditions
of high alcohol consumption, such as waiters, cooks, beverage workers, journalists
and seamen. The risk of colon cancer has been related to sedentary work. The findings
in the present study did not strongly indicate any protective role of physical activity.
Colon cancer was one of the cancer types showing the smallest relative variation in
incidence between occupational categories. The occupational variation in the risk
of female breast cancer (the most common cancer type in the present series, 373 361
cases) was larger, and there was a tendency of physically demanding occupations to
show SIRs below unity. Women in occupations which require a high level of education
have, on average, a higher age at first child-birth and elevated breast cancer incidence.
Women in occupational categories with the highest average number of children had markedly
lower incidence. In male breast cancer (2 336 cases), which is not affected by the
dominating reproductive factors, there was a suggestion of an increase in risk in
occupations characterised by shift work. Night-shift work was recently classified
as probably carcinogenic, with human evidence based on breast cancer research. The
most common cancer among men in the present cohort was prostate cancer (339 973 cases).
Despite the huge number of cases, we were unable to demonstrate any occupation-related
risks. The observed small occupational variation could be easily explained by varying
PSA test frequency. The Nordic countries are known for equity and free and equal access
to health care for all citizens. The present study shows that the risk of cancer,
even under these circumstances, is highly dependent on the person's position in the
society. Direct occupational hazards seem to explain only a small percentage of the
observed variation - but still a large number of cases - while indirect factors such
as life style changes related to longer education and decreasing physical activity
become more important. This publication is the first one from the extensive Nordic
Occupational Cancer (NOCCA) project. Subsequent studies will focus on associations
between specific work-related factors and cancer diseases with the aim to identify
exposure-response patterns. In addition to the cancer data demonstrated in the present
publication, the NOCCA project produced Nordic Job Exposure Matrix (described in separate
articles in this issue of Acta Oncologica) that transforms information about occupational
title histories to quantitative estimates of specific exposures. The third essential
component is methodological development related to analysis and interpretation of
results based on averaged information of exposures and co-factors in the occupational