Throughout development, we gain increasing control over our bodies, allowing us to
move around our environment and manipulate and use objects. This developing motor
control is key to our understanding of the properties of our environment (Piaget,
1953). Being able to crawl or walk affects infants' understanding of the distance
between objects, as well as the feel of different surfaces and slopes (Adolph and
Joh, 2007). They will also be exposed to different risks in the environment, leading
to a change in the relationships with their caregivers as they learn to use social
information, such as facial expressions or tone of voice, to guide their exploration
(Campos et al., 2000). The development of motor skills can therefore be viewed as
part of an interactive developmental process with perceptual, social, and cognitive
abilities (Thelen, 1992), which is subject to the constraints of the body and the
One theme of research which could help to provide more insight into these typical
developmental processes is the study of neurodevelopmental disorders, in which expected
interactions between different abilities may be disrupted. Motor difficulties have
been highlighted in a number of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum
disorder (Provost et al., 2007), specific language impairment (Hill, 2001) and dyslexia
(Nicolson et al., 2001), all of which have core deficits in other domains, such as
language or social communication. The current article will focus on developmental
coordination disorder (DCD), in which motor impairments are central to the diagnosis
(see Table 1). DCD is relatively understudied and under-recognized in comparison to
many other neurodevelopmental disorders, despite its prevalence of around 5–6% in
the population (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). However, given the close
connections between motor development and the other skills outlined above, this article
will argue that DCD provides a model case for investigating the impact of poor motor
skills on perceptual, social and cognitive development. A review of pertinent research
will demonstrate the impact that poor motor skills can have on functioning in a number
of different domains. Finally, the article will suggest that raising awareness of
the relationships between these skills is a vital next step to aid earlier intervention
for a range of perceptual, social and cognitive difficulties in individuals with motor
difficulties. This will not only benefit those with DCD, but could also improve outcomes
in a range of other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Table 1
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for developmental coordination disorder (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013).
Criterion A
The acquisition and execution of coordinated motor skills is substantially below that
expected given the individual's chronological age and opportunity for skill learning
and use. Difficulties are manifested as clumsiness (e.g., dropping or bumping into
objects) as well as slowness and inaccuracy of performance of motor skills (e.g.,
catching an object, using scissors or cutlery, handwriting, riding a bike, or participating
in sports).
Criterion B
The motor skills deficit in Criterion A significantly and persistently interfere with
activities of daily living appropriate to chronological age (e.g., self-care and self-maintenance)
and impacts academic/school productivity, prevocational and vocational activities,
leisure, and play.
Criterion C
Onset of symptoms is in the early developmental period.
Criterion D
The motor skills deficits are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual
developmental disorder) or visual impairment and are not attributable to a neurological
condition affecting movement (e.g., cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, degenerative
DSM-5: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th Edition).
Action, perception, and cognition
The development of motor control has long been treated as the poor relation of “higher-order”
skills such as perception and cognition (Rosenbaum, 2005). More recent theories of
embodiment, however, stress the ongoing interactions between the brain, the body and
the environment in every situation (e.g., Iverson and Thelen, 1999; Smith, 2005),
demonstrating that perception and cognition guide movement and action as much as action
influences perception and cognition (Adolph and Joh, 2007). Motor skills act as constraints
on our actions, which affects our interactions with the environment and the way in
which we learn about the correlations between our different senses and the information
they provide (e.g., Smith, 2005). When motor control is affected, as it is in DCD,
we can therefore expect to see differences in the way in which the environment is
perceived and processed.
Studies of visuospatial and cognitive processes in DCD have reported wide-ranging
difficulties and atypicalities. For example, individuals with DCD demonstrate poorer
form and motion detection, as well as difficulties in a range of tasks assessing memory
and cognitive control (see Wilson et al., 2013, for a meta-analysis). If perception,
cognition, and motor control are viewed as functionally separate systems, it could
be a challenge to explain these difficulties in a disorder diagnosed on the basis
of motor impairments. In this case, it might be tempting to regard DCD as a more general
learning disability, or to describe the perceptual and cognitive difficulties as reflections
of co-occurrence of DCD with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention
deficit-hyperactivity disorder. If we focus on the integration of these symptoms,
however, using an embodied approach, the relationships between motor, perceptual and
cognitive impairments become clearer.
The close links between motor control and perception are demonstrated in the seemingly
simple act of visually tracking a moving object. The act of smooth pursuit of an object
improves over the first four to five months of life, and requires both control over
posture (i.e., the ability to hold the weight of the head) and control over the eyes,
as well as the coordination of eye and head movements (Von Hofsten, 2004). Smooth
pursuit is intrinsically linked with object knowledge and the understanding of the
physical properties of the environment. For example, when a moving object is momentarily
hidden behind an occluder, infants must have a representation of the object and an
understanding that it still exists in order to continue the smooth pursuit, and predictively
look at the point from which the object will reappear (Adolph and Joh, 2007). The
development of this ability relies on both experience with moving objects in the environment,
and the rapid formation of new connections in the central nervous system, with brain
areas of particular importance likely to be the parietal and prefrontal cortices,
medial temporal areas of the visual cortex, and the cerebellum (Von Hofsten, 2004).
Although brain imaging research is relatively limited within the DCD literature, these
areas have all been implicated in the difficulties seen in DCD (Zwicker et al., 2009).
Furthermore, although no research has been conducted with infants with DCD due to
its identification during the school years, children of 7–12 years with a diagnosis
demonstrate difficulties in smooth pursuit (Robert et al., 2014; Sumner et al., 2015).
This suggests that early differences in brain development in these areas could constrain
the typical improvement in smooth pursuit in infancy, which could have an impact on
a range of perceptual and cognitive outcomes in DCD.
The ability to anticipate or predict the movement trajectory of an object is central
not only to smooth pursuit, but also to the successful completion of actions toward
objects (e.g., Wolpert, 1997). As an example, when an individual reaches for an object,
it is proposed that the predictive system (or forward model) estimates the end point
of the action, including the sensory information associated with that end point (such
as the position of the hand in space, the feel of the object, etc.). This allows a
comparison to be made during the action between the predicted and the actual sensory
information being provided, and means that online, prospective changes can be made
to ensure the success of the action, even when the environment is changing (Wolpert
et al., 2001). If this predictive system were impaired, then individuals would have
to rely on a slower feedback mechanism, which would be less effective in a dynamic,
changing environment (Wilson, 2015). In DCD, it has been suggested that difficulties
in motor planning (van Swieten et al., 2010; Pratt et al., 2014) and the online adaptation
of movements (Hyde and Wilson, 2011; Ruddock et al., 2015) could reflect these underlying
impairments in predictive control. Other issues with this system may also be evident
in the problems with voluntary, effortful control over cognition (known as “executive
functions”: Diamond, 2013), which are prevalent amongst individuals with DCD (see
Leonard and Hill, 2015, for a review). As in smooth pursuit, both motor actions and
executive functioning are subserved by underlying structural and functional connections
between parietal and prefrontal cortices and the cerebellum (e.g., Diamond, 2000;
Koziol et al., 2012; Ramnani, 2012). Thus, in DCD, atypical structure or functioning
of these areas (e.g., Kashiwagi et al., 2009; Debrabant et al., 2013), reduced functional
connectivity within this network (e.g., Zwicker et al., 2011), or an immature coupling
between frontal and posterior control areas (Ruddock et al., 2015) could explain the
difficulties seen in the disorder across a range of predictive control tasks. Further
research into DCD provides an opportunity for investigating potential shared mechanisms
underlying these forms of predictive control, as well as their neural bases, in both
typical and atypical development.
Motor skills, executive control, and social functioning
As outlined in the introduction to this article, developing motor control provides
infants with opportunities for interacting with the social environment as well as
their physical surroundings. As children grow older, motor skills are central to the
types of play in which they engage, from the manual dexterity required for dressing
up or making models out of toy bricks, to the physical play and team games seen in
the playground. If the skills required for these activities are impaired, as in DCD,
it is likely to have implications for social functioning and peer relations. Indeed,
research into DCD investigating social activities, peer relations and social problems
has reported significant correlations between motor abilities and parent-reported
peer difficulties (Cummins et al., 2005; Green et al., 2006; Wagner et al., 2012).
In playground observations, children with DCD were more likely to be alone and to
be onlookers, rather than the center of a social group (Smyth and Anderson, 2000),
and the relationship between motor coordination and self-reported loneliness by children
with DCD was mediated by their participation in team sports (Poulsen et al., 2007).
Poor motor development, and consequent low self-concept, could explain this reduced
participation in motor activities and physical play in those with DCD (e.g., Wrotniak
et al., 2006), which may result in social exclusion.
It is also possible that the close connections between brain areas related to motor
and executive control could affect social functioning. Research in typically-developing
children has reported that executive functions, such as cognitive flexibility, are
highly correlated with social understanding and performance on theory of mind tasks
in early and middle childhood (e.g., Hughes and Ensor, 2007; Bock et al., 2015). Further
support for this view arises from research with children with attention deficit-hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), which is characterized by both executive functioning and social difficulties
(Wehmeier et al., 2010). It is suggested that problems with flexibility could interfere
with typical social interaction in those with ADHD, while difficulties inhibiting
unwanted responses and regulating behavior could lead to peer rejection (e.g., Wheeler
Maedgen and Carlson, 2000; Marton et al., 2009). As ADHD often co-occurs with DCD
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and given that children with DCD often present
problems in inhibition and self-regulation (e.g., Rahimi-Golkhandan et al., 2014;
Leonard et al., 2015), it could be that social difficulties in DCD are related to
these issues in executive control. Poor motor development could thus affect social
functioning through at least two routes: first by limiting the potential to participate
in physical activities and play, and second by affecting executive control and social
understanding. As low motor competence is not only associated with DCD, but to a range
of other neurodevelopmental disorders and environmental factors, it is of great importance
that the identification of motor difficulties is improved, allowing appropriate early
intervention in order to reduce the potential adverse effects on perceptual, cognitive
and social development.
Moving forward: An embodied approach
From the research outlined throughout this article, it is clear that motor development
not only provides opportunities for the development of a range of perceptual, social,
and cognitive skills, but is influenced in turn by these abilities in an interactive
process. Using an embodied approach, it is possible to consider the relationships
and constant interactions between domains as part of a dynamic system with shared
underlying mechanisms, such as predictive control. Improving our understanding of
these shared mechanisms will be important for developing more integrated interventions
for those with a range of difficulties. Furthermore, raising awareness of the impact
of poor motor skills on perception, cognition and social development amongst psychologists,
teachers, parents, and practitioners will be vital in improving outcomes for those
with motor difficulties. DCD provides a model case for further investigation, due
to the known motor impairments in the disorder. However, research into this area will
have implications for a wide range of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders,
as well as for those with low motor competence associated with a number of different
Author contributions
The paper was conceived, drafted, and revised by HL as the sole author.
Conflict of interest statement
The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.