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      恶性血液病患者化疗后合并急性戊型肝炎的临床特点分析 Translated title: Clinical characteristics of hepatitis E virus infection in patients with hematological malignancies


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          戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)是一种RNA病毒,于20世纪50年代最早发现于印度,主要流行于非洲和亚洲的一些发展中国家。近年来欧洲和北美散发病例报道增多,主要为器官移植和(或)HIV感染患者等免疫低下人群[1]–[2]。戊型肝炎在恶性血液病中的发病情况及临床特点在欧洲开始受到关注,并有小系列报道[3]–[5]。免疫低下人群HEV感染是否会慢性化是目前此领域关注的主要焦点。而我国及其他亚洲地区此类人群HEV感染报道罕见。本文我们就我院诊治的恶性血液病化疗过程中合并肝功能损伤的HEV感染情况进行总结,现报道如下。 病例和方法 1.病例:以2011年5月至2013年5月我院诊治急性白血病及淋巴瘤且化疗后合并肝功能损伤的182例患者为研究对象。其中男101例,女81例,中位年龄36(10~76)岁。急性髓系白血病56例,急性淋巴细胞白血病50例,非霍奇金淋巴瘤69例,多发性骨髓瘤7例。 2.HEV感染的诊断:对化疗后出现急慢性肝功能损伤的患者进行甲、戊、庚、丁肝炎病毒抗体筛查。留取患者血清标本,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)试剂盒(北京万泰生物药业公司产品)进行血清HEV抗体IgM、IgG的检测,操作严格按试剂盒说明书进行。 采用巢式RT-PCR进行HEV RNA检测。因HEV具有多个明显的序列变异株,引物设计囊括开放阅读框2(ORF2)中最常见的18个变异株[6]。ORF2外引物:正向引物:5′-AATTATGCC(T)CAGTAC(T)CGG(A)GTTG-3′,反向引物:5′-CCCTTA(G)TCC(T)TGCTGA(C)GCATTCTC-3′;ORF2内引物:正向引物:5′-GTT(A)ATGCTT(C)TGCATA(T)CATGGCT-3′,反向引物:5′-AGCCGACGAAATCAATTCTGTC-3′。HEV RNA的提取采用小量柱式病毒RNA抽提试剂盒(上海华顺公司产品)按说明书进行操作。第一轮PCR体系(50 µl):纯化的HEV RNA 10 µl、外引物各25 pmol、10×PCR缓冲液5 µl、0.1 mol/L DTT 0.5 µl、RNA酶抑制剂0.5 µl、逆转录酶AMV 1 µl,Taq DNA聚合酶0.5 µl,dNTP 1 µl,MgCl2(25 mmol/L)4 µl。反应条件:42 °C孵育45 min逆转录;95 °C预变性9 min,94 °C变性1 min、42 °C退火1 min、72 °C延伸1 min,共35个循环;72 °C孵育5 min。第二轮PCR体系:第一轮PCR扩增产物3 µl,10×PCR缓冲液5 µl,MgCl2(25 mmol/L)4 µl,dNTP 1 µl,Taq DNA聚合酶0.5 µl,内引物各25 pmol,调整终体积为50 µl,反应条件同上。取第二轮PCR产物10 µl进行凝胶电泳,紫外灯下观察结果。 3.疗效评价及随访:对于HEV RNA检测阳性或IgM抗体阳性患者,每2~3周检测一次抗体滴度和HEV RNA检测,直至转阴;同时监测患者肝功能、凝血指标、腹部彩超肝脏形态学变化及临床症状改变。HEV慢性化和再活化的诊断标准[7]:肝功能异常、乏力、凝血功能异常等临床症状;HEV RNA检测持续阳性或转阴性后再次出现阳性;HEV抗体IgM持续阳性或滴度水平增高;排除其他病毒性肝炎和嗜肝性病毒感染。采用门诊复诊方式进行随访,随访截至2014年4月,中位随访时间为15(7~23)个月。 结果 在182例恶性血液病化疗后合并肝功能损伤患者中,共检测出8例HEV RNA阳性患者,其中7例HEVIgM阳性。8例HEV RNA阳性患者HBV DNA及HCV RNA检测均为阴性,HAV及HDV IgM均为阴性,EBV及CMV IgM均为阴性,并根据临床已排除药物性肝损伤。 8例患者分别来自我省不同地域,其中7例为化疗结束出院后出现肝功能异常症状返院诊断,非同时起病,结合阴性接触史,考虑为散发。经过反复仔细地追问病史,8例患者均非素食主义者,但均无疫区接触史,无饮食不洁史,亦无进食生肉饮食习惯。基础疾病均处于完全缓解状态,其中男4例,女4例,中位年龄24(15~67)岁,一般临床资料见表1。 表1 8例戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)RNA阳性患者基础疾病情况及HEV感染时的临床表现及实验室检查结果 例号 年龄(岁) 性别 基础疾病 诊断时间a(月) 感染前化疗疗程数(次) 有无输血史 化疗方案 首发症状 1 16 男 ALL 2.5 3 有 大剂量甲氨蝶呤 纳差、黄疸 2 67 女 ALL 2.0 2 有 VDCLP 纳差、黄疸、呕吐 3 43 女 DLBCL 6.0 7 无 CHOPE 纳差、呕吐 4 15 男 AML-M2 3.0 3 有 中剂量阿糖胞苷 低热、纳差 5 19 男 ALL 4.0 4 有 VICLP 黄疸 6 62 女 DLBCL 5.0 5 无 R-CHOP 纳差、恶心 7 28 男 ALL 9.0 6 有 VICLP 黄疸、腹痛、低热 8 18 女 ALL 4.0 3 有 HyperCVAD-B 纳差、黄疸 例号 ALT(U/L) AST(U/L) TBIL(µmol/L) DBIL(µmol/L) GGT(U/L) WBC(×109/L) RNA转阴时间(周) 随访时间(月) 1 114 36 114.0 83.5 414 5.65 38 23 2 1 368 1 298 215.4 164.1 412 7.32 未转阴 8 3 414 136 232.7 187.1 399 4.12 15 11 4 422 106 120.5 98.4 287 8.31 9 14 5 606 211 107.6 89.7 611 2.45 12 7 6 504 187 196.8 170.2 543 5.64 18 16 7 1 120 963 223.1 176.4 521 3.26 14 20 8 533 318 98.8 86.6 217 7.10 21 17 注:a:指确诊基础疾病距诊断急性HEV感染的时间间隔;ALL:急性淋巴细胞白血病;AML-M2:急性粒细胞白血病部分分化型;DLBCL:弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤;RNA转阴时间:指血清中HEV RNA检测转为阴性距诊断HEV感染后的时间;VDCLP:长春新碱、柔红霉素、环磷酰胺、门冬酰胺酶、泼尼松;CHOPE:长春新碱、阿霉素、环磷酰胺、泼尼松/地塞米松、足叶乙甙;VICLP:长春新碱、去甲氧柔红霉素、环磷酰胺、门冬酰胺酶、泼尼松;R-CHOP:利妥昔单抗、长春新碱、阿霉素、环磷酰胺、泼尼松/地塞米松;HyperCVAD-B:大剂量甲氨蝶呤、阿糖胞苷。TBIL:总胆红素;DBIL:直接胆红素 8例患者中,以纳差、恶心、呕吐和皮肤黄染为主要表现,4例患者伴有皮肤瘙痒,2例患者伴有发热,1例伴有轻度腹痛,1例伴有腹泻及白陶土样便。肝功能检查结果以ALT、谷氨酰转肽酶、总胆红素、直接胆红素升高为主,凝血功能变化不大,多有D-二聚体轻中度升高。腹部彩超示2例出现肝脏体积增大。所有患者均未出现肝硬化症状及神经系统症状。 治疗主要以保肝、利胆对症治疗为主,其中例2加用利巴韦林抗病毒治疗。8例患者经过治疗后肝功能均恢复至正常,临床症状缓解。临床症状缓解中位时间为25(19~68)d,7例患者血清IgM转阴,中位转阴时间为12(5~30)周,HEV RNA转阴的中位时间为15(9~38)周。例2 RNA仍为阳性(目前随访8个月),HEV IgM为弱阳性,HEV IgG阴性。例5行同胞异基因造血干细胞移植,移植期间及移植后检测HEV IgM及RNA均为阴性。所有8例患者均未发现HEV再活化及慢性化。 讨论 随着目前恶性血液病治疗手段的提高,越来越多的患者得以生存,乙肝及化疗后药物性肝功能损伤已被临床医师认识。然而,对于一些较少见的肝炎病毒感染所致的肝功能损伤依然是个盲区。HEV是一种RNA病毒,在亚洲及非洲地区流行,多经过水源及饮食传播,呈地域性流行性发病,往往为自愈性,60%伴有一过性肝功能损伤,部分为隐性感染。近年欧洲地区报道HIV感染和肝肾移植后患者经过非疫区感染的散发病例,主要是HEV-3型病毒感染,其原因可能为HEV特异性T细胞形成障碍相关[8]。蓝海云等[9]报道正常人群的散发病例HEV感染主要为HEV-Ⅳ型,但未对感染人群进行分析。本组8例HEV感染的血液病患者,其居住地及接触者并无HEV感染可疑人群,亦无饮食不洁史,基本已排除暴发传播的可能。尚需进一步分离相关的HEV确定其亚型,从而明确是否为人畜共患传播。 目前关于HEV在免疫低下人群的研究主要是集中在肝肾移植(其中以肝移植研究最多)患者,HEV的血清学检测阳性率差异较大,欧洲血清学结果显示6%~16%肾移植患者HEVIgG阳性[2],加拿大肝移植患者移植前HEV IgG阳性检出率为36%,移植后为86%[10]。HEV RNA的具体检测尚无标准化。欧洲报道的实体器官和造血干细胞移植患者HEV RNA的阳性率为0~6.5%[2]。而我国尚缺乏此类非疫区免疫低下人群的数据资料。 对于免疫低下人群,HEV感染是否会慢性化仍有分歧。2008年Kamar等[7]报道了一项包括14例移植前血清HEV RNA阳性患者进行肝肾移植的前瞻性临床研究,经过肝肾功能检测、病毒RNA监测、HEV抗体监测及肝脏活检病理学证实其中8例移植后并发慢性HEV,研究结果提示HEV急性感染与移植间隔期短、移植后淋巴细胞数目减少是既往HEV感染患者移植后发生慢性HEV的高危因素,从而首次提出了HEV在免疫功能低下人群可能会慢性化的观点。 此后,关于HEV在实体器官移植及血液病中的临床特点开始在欧洲受到关注。Halac等[11]报道1例异基因造血干细胞移植后的儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病患者移植后7个月感染HEV,HEV RNA转阴后再次出现并最终慢性化导致慢性肝功能损伤,最后肝硬化死亡。法国Toulouse大学移植中心报道88例造血干细胞移植患者中,32例HEVIgG抗体阳性,血清学阳性的患者随访至移植后6个月,无一例患者出现慢性HEV[4]。Versluis等[5]进行的一项包含328例异基因造血干细胞移植患者的回顾性研究显示8例患者出现HEV感染,其中5例慢性化,4例HEV血症的患者出现进行性肝炎最终死亡。Tavitian等[12]对转氨酶升高的299例血液病患者进行HEV血清学及RNA检测,其中6例为HEV感染,5例最终清除HEV,1例RNA持续存在,出现肝脏纤维化。 本组的8例HEV感染患者中,其中7例为急性淋巴细胞白血病或淋巴瘤,仅1例为急性髓系白血病。HEV感染前的治疗方案均为包含较大剂量的糖皮质激素类方案或含有大剂量甲氨蝶呤/阿糖胞苷的方案,所以我们推测这部分血液病化疗后的HEV感染可能与糖皮质激素引起的T细胞功能障碍相关,甲氨蝶呤或阿糖胞苷引起的胃肠黏膜屏障损伤也可能是原因之一。具体的机制和原因尚须进一步的临床及实验证实。在对此8例HEV感染患者进行HEV RNA及HEV IgM的检测过程中,7例HEV IgM、HEV RNA转为阴性,1例患者HEV IgM为弱阳性,HEV RNA持续阳性。随访至今未再有HEV的再激活及肝功能持久损伤。但是对于血液病患者,尤其是淋巴瘤及淋巴细胞白血病患者,HEV RNA阳性代表病毒并未完全清除,是否在一定条件下再次活化还需要进一步扩大病例数更长期的随访检测。 在恶性血液病化疗后患者中,HEV感染后抗体转化出现较晚,HEV RNA转阴所需要的时间较正常人群长,与传统的血清抗体检测相比,HEV RNA可能是更好的工具,其检测尚需进一步的标准化。对于恶性血液病患者出现不能用药物性损伤所解释的急性肝功能损伤,应及时应用HEV RNA或者抗体血清学检查排除HEV感染可能,尤其是应用大剂量激素及甲氨蝶呤/阿糖胞苷患者。目前HEV疫苗的安全性和有效性已经初步评估结束,不久的将来有望应用于造血干细胞移植及器官移植患者的术前预防。

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          Most cited references10

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          Hepatitis E virus (HEV)-specific T-cell responses are associated with control of HEV infection.

          Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is usually self-limited but may lead to acute hepatitis and rarely to fulminant hepatic failure. Persistent HEV infections have recently been described in organ transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive medications, suggesting that HEV is controlled by adaptive immune responses. However, only few studies have investigated HEV-specific T-cell responses and immune correlates for the failure to clear HEV infection have not been established so far. We investigated T-cell responses against HEV in 38 subjects including anti-HEV-positive (exposed, n = 9) and anti-HEV-negative (n = 10) healthy controls, 12 anti-HEV-positive but HEV RNA-negative organ transplant recipients, and seven transplant recipients with chronic hepatitis E. Proliferation as well as cytokine production of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was studied after stimulation with overlapping peptides spanning all proteins encoded by HEV-open reading frame (ORF)2 and HEV-ORF3. We show that (1) strong and multispecific HEV-specific T-cell responses are present in exposed healthy controls, and to a lesser extent also in recovered patients after transplantation; (2) that these responses are absent in patients with chronic hepatitis E but become detectable after viral clearance; and (3) that HEV-specific T-cell responses can be restored in vitro by blocking the PD-1 or CTLA-4 pathways. However, a combination of PD-1 and CTLA-4 blockade had no synergistic effects. We conclude that chronic hepatitis E is associated with impaired HEV-specific T-cell responses and suggest that enhancing adaptive cellular immunity against HEV might prevent persistent HEV infections. Copyright © 2011 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Hepatitis E virus: an underestimated opportunistic pathogen in recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

            Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is increasingly acknowledged as a cause of hepatitis in healthy individuals as well as immunocompromised patients. Little is known of HEV infection in recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT). Therefore, we set out to study the incidence and sequelae of HEV as a cause of hepatitis in a recent cohort of 328 alloHSCT recipients. HEV RNA was tested in episodes of liver enzyme abnormalities. In addition, HEV RNA and HEV serology were assessed pre- and post-alloHSCT. We found 8 cases (2.4%) of HEV infection, of which 5 had developed chronic HEV infection. Seroprevalence pre-alloHSCT was 13%. Four patients died with HEV viremia, with signs of ongoing hepatitis, having a median time of infection of 4.1 months. The 4 surviving patients cleared HEV after a median period of 6.3 months. One patient was diagnosed with HEV reactivation after a preceding infection prior to alloHSCT. Although the incidence of developing acute HEV post-alloHSCT is relatively low, the probability of developing chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients is high. Therefore, alloHSCT recipients should be screened pretransplantation by HEV serology and RNA. Furthermore, a differential diagnosis including hepatitis E is mandatory in all alloHSCT patients with severe liver enzyme abnormalities.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Heterogeneity and seroprevalence of a newly identified avian hepatitis e virus from chickens in the United States.

              We recently identified and characterized a novel virus, designated avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV), from chickens with hepatitis-splenomegaly syndrome (HS syndrome) in the United States. Avian HEV is genetically related to but distinct from human and swine HEVs. To determine the extent of genetic variation and the seroprevalence of avian HEV infection in chicken flocks, we genetically identified and characterized 11 additional avian HEV isolates from chickens with HS syndrome and assessed the prevalence of avian HEV antibodies from a total of 1,276 chickens of different ages and breeds from 76 different flocks in five states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, and Wisconsin). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a truncated recombinant avian HEV ORF2 antigen was developed and used to determine avian HEV seroprevalence. About 71% of chicken flocks and 30% of chickens tested in the study were positive for antibodies to avian HEV. About 17% of chickens younger than 18 weeks were seropositive, whereas about 36% of adult chickens were seropositive. By using a reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay, we tested 21 bile samples from chickens with HS syndrome in California, Connecticut, New York, and Wisconsin for the presence of avian HEV RNA. Of the 21 bile samples, 12 were positive for 30- to 35-nm HEV-like virus particles by electron microscopy (EM). A total of 11 of the 12 EM-positive bile samples and 6 of the 9 EM-negative bile samples were positive for avian HEV RNA by RT-PCR. The sequences of a 372-bp region within the helicase gene of 11 avian HEV isolates were determined. Sequence analyses revealed that the 11 field isolates of avian HEV had 78 to 100% nucleotide sequence identities to each other, 79 to 88% identities to the prototype avian HEV, 76 to 80% identities to chicken big liver and spleen disease virus, and 56 to 61% identities to other known strains of human and swine HEV. The data from this study indicated that, like swine and human HEVs, avian HEV isolates are genetically heterogenic and that avian HEV infection is enzoonotic in chicken flocks in the United States.

                Author and article information

                Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi
                Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi
                Chinese Journal of Hematology
                Editorial office of Chinese Journal of Hematology (No. 288, Nanjing road, Heping district, Tianjin )
                March 2015
                : 36
                : 3
                : 247-249
                [1]450003 郑州,河南省人民医院血液科(袁晓莉、朱尊民、张茵、姜丽、马荣军、雷平冲、陈玉清、白炎亮);开封市中心医院检验科(李相磊)
                Author notes
                通信作者:朱尊民,Email: zhuzm1964@ 123456163.com
                Corresponding author: Zhu Zunmin, Department of Hematology, He'nan Province People's Hospital, Zhengzhou 450003, China. Email: zhuzm1964@ 123456163.com
                2015年版权归中华医学会所有Copyright © 2015 by Chinese Medical Association

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY-NC). The Copyright own by Publisher. Without authorization, shall not reprint, except this publication article, shall not use this publication format design. Unless otherwise stated, all articles published in this journal do not represent the views of the Chinese Medical Association or the editorial board of this journal.

                : 31 July 2014


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