To evaluate and compare the astigmatism prediction errors taken with the Pentacam measurements, Baylor nomogram, and Barrett formula for toric intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.
Phacoemulsification with toric Precizon IOL implantation was performed in 41 eyes with corneal astigmatism (range, 1 to 5 diopters (D)) determined by IOLMaster and SimK on Pentacam. Preoperative corneal astigmatism measurements were obtained from IOLMaster readings (IOLMaster, Baylor-IOLMaster, and Barrett-IOLMaster) and Pentacam readings (SimK, Baylor-SimK, Barrett-SimK, wavefront, true net power, total corneal refractive power, and vector derived by manual vector summation using corneal front and back astigmatism). Prediction error and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between the measured (or calculated) astigmatism by IOLMaster and Pentacam and the estimated corneal astigmatism estimated by IOL toricity power and residual astigmatism were determined.
The centroid errors in prediction error with IOLMaster, SimK, Baylor-IOLMaster, Baylor-SimK, Barrett-IOLMaster, Barrett-SimK, wavefront, true net power, total corneal refractive power, and vector were 0.59@103, 0.61 @103, 0.37@161, 0.41@162, 0.24@171, 0.36@162, 0.42@106, 0.04@8, 0.07@82, and 0.03@82, respectively, in with-the-rule (WTR) astigmatism eyes at postoperative 3-month. They were 0.22@87, 0.20@74, 0.16@21, 0.54@10, 0.43@3, 0.33@19, 0.51@25, 0.31@58, 0.29@50, and 0.14@50 in against-the-rule (ATR) astigmatism eyes. Of the ten modalities, vector showed the lowest WTR astigmatism prediction error and the highest ICC between the predicted and the estimated corneal astigmatism for both WTR and ATR eyes.