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      Metabolitos nitrogenados en el hámster dorado alimentado a base de harina de lombriz (Eisenia spp.) Translated title: Nitrogened metabolites in golden hamster fed with proteic diets based on Eisenia spp. meal


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          Se evaluó en el plasma sanguíneo del hámster dorado (Mesocrisetus auratus L.) el contenido total de proteína (PT), albúmina (Alb), globulinas (Glb), urea (U), ácido úrico (AU), creatinina (Ct) y los niveles de transaminasas (glutámico oxalacética (TGO) y glutámico-pirúvica (TGP)) a partir del consumo de dietas (proteína bruta; PB= 13,5-19,6%) con harina de lombriz roja (HL) (Eisenia spp.) y dos alimentos convencionales (Conejarina®; PB= 11,4% y Ratarina®; PB= 21,1%). La concentración de PT, Alb, Glb y Ct osciló entre 5-6; 2-3; 2-3 g/dL y 0,3-0,4 mg/dL, respectivamente, sin observarse diferencias significativas entre las dietas (p>0,05). En todo el experimento los niveles de U y AU fluctuaron entre 23-101 y 3-9 mg/dL, respectivamente, en función del nivel de PB, la inclusión de HL y el momento de muestreo. Los niveles de transaminasas fueron elevados y variables, acorde al valor proteico de las dietas (TGO: 101-699 y TGP: 54-890 UI/L). Se comprobó que los contenidos séricos de PT, Glb, Alb y Ct fueron independientes de la inclusión de HL y los niveles de PB de cada alimento; mientras que la concentración de U (R²= 0,509*), TGO (R²= 0,661**) y TGP (R²= 0,524*) se encontraron relacionados con los valores proteicos de las raciones, y el contenido de U (R²= 0,502*) y AU (R²= 0,531*) con la inclusión de HL. La adición de HL en proporciones de 24, 27 y 30% a dietas formuladas para M. auratus aumenta significativamente los valores normales de U, AU y transaminasas.

          Translated abstract

          Content of total protein (PT), albumin (Alb), globulins (Glb), urea (U), uric acid (AU), creatinine (Ct) and transaminase levels (oxalacetic-glutamic (TGO) and piruvic-glutamic (TGP)) was evaluated in the blood plasm of golden hamster (Mesocrisetus auratus L.), fed diets (crude protein; PB= 13.5-19.6%) with red worm (HL) (Eisenia spp.) meal and two conventional feeds (Conejarina®; PB= 11.4% and Ratarina®; PB= 21.1%). The PT, Alb, Glb and Ct concentration oscillated among 5-6, 2-3, 2-3 g/dL y 0,3-0,4 mg/dL, respectively, no significant differences among the treatments in the assay were observed (p>0.05). In the assay the U and AU content fluctuated between 23-101 y 3-9 mg/dL, respectively; according to the PB level, HL inclusion and measurement time. The transaminase levels were high and variables during the second week of assay, according to the proteic level diets (TGO: 101-699 y TGP: 54-890 UI/ L). The seric PT, Glb, Alb and Ct content were independent of PB diets and HL proportion, while the U (R²= 0.509*), TGO (R²= 0.661**) and TGP (R²= 0.524*) level were related with proteic level of diets, and the U (R²= 0.502*) and AU (R²= 0.531*) contents with the HL inclusion. The HL addition in 24, 27 and 30% for making formulated proteic diets to M. auratus cause significant variation in the normal values of U, AU and transaminases.

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          • Abstract: not found
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          Role of liver in the maintenance of cholesterol and low density lipoprotein homeostasis in different animal species, including humans.

            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
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            Estadística multivariante

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Relationship between dietary protein intake and serum urea, uric acid and creatinine, and 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion: the BIRNH Study.

              Relationships between dietary protein intake of a large free-living group and serum creatinine (Cr), urea and uric acid levels have been studied, based on data obtained from the BIRNH (Belgian Interuniversity Research on Nutrition and Health) study. Highly significant correlations were found in both sexes for total protein, as well as for animal and vegetable protein intake. In a subgroup, the relationship between dietary protein intake and 24-hour urinary Cr excretion has also been studied. The range of +/- 2 SD of the mean for total protein and animal and vegetable protein daily intakes resulted in a calculated range of 24-hour Cr excretion of 430, 317 and 209 mg/24 hours in men and of 192, 169 and 125 mg/24 hours in women, respectively. The 24-hour urinary Cr excretion was significantly influenced by both dietary protein and polyunsaturated fat intake.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Archivos de Zootecnia
                Arch. zootec.
                Universidad de Córdoba (Córdoba )
                June 2012
                : 61
                : 234
                : 163-174
                [1 ] Universidad de Los Andes Venezuela
                [2 ] Universidad de Los Andes Venezuela
                [3 ] Instituto Venezolano del Seguro Social Venezuela



                Animal agriculture,General veterinary medicine
                Seric proteins,Transaminase,Uric acid,Seric urea,Creatinine,Blood chemistry,Proteínas séricas,Transaminasa,Ácido úrico,Urea sérica,Creatinina,Química sanguínea


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