In this Series paper, we describe the frequency of, trends in, determinants of, and
inequalities in caesarean section (CS) use, globally, regionally, and in selected
countries. On the basis of data from 169 countries that include 98·4% of the world's
births, we estimate that 29·7 million (21·1%, 95% uncertainty interval 19·9-22·4)
births occurred through CS in 2015, which was almost double the number of births by
this method in 2000 (16·0 million [12·1%, 10·9-13·3] births). CS use in 2015 was up
to ten times more frequent in the Latin America and Caribbean region, where it was
used in 44·3% (41·3-47·4) of births, than in the west and central Africa region, where
it was used in 4·1% (3·6-4·6) of births. The global and regional increases in CS use
were driven both by an increasing proportion of births occurring in health facilities
(accounting for 66·5% of the global increase) and increases in CS use within health
facilities (33·5%), with considerable variation between regions. Based on the most
recent data available for each country, 15% of births in 106 (63%) of 169 countries
were by CS, whereas 47 (28%) countries showed CS use in less than 10% of births. National
CS use varied from 0·6% in South Sudan to 58·1% in the Dominican Republic. Within-country
disparities in CS use were also very large: CS use was almost five times more frequent
in births in the richest versus the poorest quintiles in low-income and middle-income
countries; markedly high CS use was observed among low obstetric risk births, especially
among more educated women in, for example, Brazil and China; and CS use was 1·6 times
more frequent in private facilities than in public facilities.