Data from Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, suggest that almost all patients with extensively
drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis are HIV-positive, with a fatal outcome. Since, there
are few data for the treatment-related outcomes of XDR tuberculosis in settings with
a high HIV prevalence, we investigated the associations of these diseases in such
settings to formulate recommendations for control programmes.
In a retrospective cohort study, we analysed the case records of patients (>16 years
old) with XDR tuberculosis (culture-proven at diagnosis) between August, 2002, and
February, 2008, at four designated provincial treatment facilities in South Africa.
We used Cox proportional hazards regression models to assess risk factors associated
with the outcomes-mortality and culture conversion.
195 of 227 patients were analysed. 21 died before initiation of any treatment, and
174 patients (82 with HIV infection) were treated. 62 (36%) of these patients died
during follow-up. The number of deaths was not significantly different in patients
with or without HIV infection: 34 (41%) of 82 versus 28 (30%) of 92 (p=0.13). Treatment
with moxifloxacin (hazard ratio 0.11, 95% CI 0.01-0.82; p=0.03), previous culture-proven
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (5.21, 1.93-14.1; p=0.001), and number of drugs used
in a regimen (0.59, 0.45-0.78, p<0.0001) were independent predictors of death. Fewer
deaths occurred in patients with HIV infection given highly active antiretroviral
therapy than in those who were not (0.38, 0.18-0.80; p=0.01). 33 (19%) of 174 patients
showed culture conversion, of which 23 (70%) converted within 6 months of initiation
of treatment.
In South Africa, patients with XDR tuberculosis, a substantial proportion of whom
are not infected with HIV, have poor management outcomes. Nevertheless, survival in
patients with HIV infection is better than previously reported. The priorities for
the country are still prevention of XDR tuberculosis, and early detection and management
of multidrug-resistant and XDR tuberculosis through strengthened programmes and laboratory
South African Medical Research Council, European Union Framework 7 program, and European
Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership.
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