Peripheral nerve sheath tumours in children are a rare and heterogeneous group, consisting mostly of benign tumours as well as malignant neoplasms. Especially in the paediatric population, diagnostics and indication for therapy pose relevant challenges for neurosurgeons and paediatric neurologists alike. Most paediatric cases that need surgical intervention are associated to neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).
We retrospectively reviewed all paediatric cases treated at the Department of Neurosurgery in Tübingen between 2006 and 2017 for peripheral nerve sheath tumours. We analysed clinical signs, symptoms, histology, association to an underlying phacomatosis and sensory/motor function.
Of the 82 identified patients, the majority had NF1 (76.8%). Nine children bore a sporadic tumour without underlying phacomatosis (11%), 8 had NF2 (9.8%) and 2 schwannomatosis (2.4%), A total of 168 surgical interventions were performed, and 206 tumours were removed. Indication for surgery was in most instances significant tumour growth (45.2%) followed by pain (33.9%). New deficits led to surgery in 12.5% of interventions; malignancy was suspected in 8.3%. Histopathology revealed mostly neurofibromas (82.5%), divided into cutaneous neurofibromas (10.7%), infiltrating plexiform neurofibromas (25.7%) and peripheral nerve-born neurofibromas (46.1%). 12.1% of tumours were schwannomas, 2.9% MPNST, 1.5% ganglioneuroma ( n = 3) and 1 hybrid-neurofibroma and perineurinoma each. Leading symptoms, such as pain and motor and sensory deficits, improved after 125/166 interventions (74.4%), remained unchanged following 39 interventions (23.2%) and worsened in 4 occasions (2.4%).
Surgery is safe and effective for (neurofibromatosis associated) peripheral nerve sheath tumours in the paediatric population; however, management needs a multidisciplinary setting. We propose early surgical resection in paediatric patients with peripheral nerve sheath tumours with significant growth, or pain, or motor deficit, or suspected malignancy.