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      Una referencia valiosa para el uso responsable de los animales en la investigación científica: el documento guía "Principios rectores internacionales para la investigación biomédica con animales CIOMS-ICLAS" Translated title: A valuable reference for the responsible use of animals in scientific research: "International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals CIOMS-ICLAS" Translated title: Una referència valuosa per a l'ús responsable dels animals en la recerca científica: el document guia "Principis rectors internacionals per a la recerca biomèdica amb animals CIOMS-ICLAS"


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          Resumen El uso de animales en actividades científicas y educativas es un tema de debate en la sociedad, y en la actualidad, estas actividades se evalúan en sus aspectos éticos antes de comenzar. El propósito de este artículo es analizar las International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals desarrollados por el Consejo de Organizaciones Internacionales de Ciencias Médicas y el Consejo Internacional para la Ciencia de los Animales de Laboratorio, sobre los criterios establecidos como necesarios para determinar el uso responsable de los animales, con el objetivo de armonizar normativas. El documento toma la declaración anterior de las Tres Erres (reemplazo, reducción, refinamiento) de Russell y Burch, y agrega nuevos requisitos. Así, la justificación, el valor científico de los estudios, formas de refinamiento como puntos finales humanitarios, el bienestar animal, el análisis daño-beneficio y actitudes como responsabilidad, respeto e integridad científica, surgen como condiciones necesarias, y se tienen en cuenta las preocupaciones éticas de la sociedad. Las instituciones juegan un papel importante en la capacitación y supervisión de los científicos y en el desarrollo de una cultura de cuidado. Este documento proporciona guías claras y constituye una referencia valiosa cuando se carece de normativas oficiales sobre la protección de los animales utilizados en actividades científicas.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract The use of animals in scientific and educational activities is a subject of debate in society, and at present, these activities are evaluated in their ethical aspect before starting. The purpose of this article was to analyse the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals, developed by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences and the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science, on the criteria set as necessary to determine the responsible use of animals, aiming to harmonize regulations. The document takes the former Russell and Burch's statement of the Three Rs (replacement, reduction, refinement), and adds new requirements. Thus, justification, scientific worth of the studies, ways of refinement as humane endpoints, animal welfare, harm-benefit analysis and traits as responsibility, respect and scientific integrity arise as necessary conditions; ethical concerns of society are also considered. Institutions play a major rol in the proficiency and supervision of scientists, and in developing a culture of care. This document provides clear guidelines and constitutes a valuable reference when directives on the protection of animals used in scientific activities are lacking.

          Translated abstract

          Resum L'ús d'animals en activitats científiques i educatives és un tema de debat en la societat i, en l'actualitat, les implicacions ètiques d'aquestes activitats s'avaluen abans de dur-les a terme. El propòsit d'aquest article és analitzar les International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals desenvolupades pel Consell d'Organitzacions Internacionals de Ciències Mèdiques i el Consell Internacional per a la Ciència dels Animals de Laboratori, sobre els criteris establerts com a necessaris per a determinar l'ús responsable dels animals amb l'objectiu d'harmonitzar normatives. El document pren la declaració anterior de les Tres Erres (reemplaçament, reducció, refinament) de Russell i Burch i agrega nous requisits. Així, la justificació, el valor científic dels estudis, les formes de refinament com a punts finals humanitaris, el benestar animal o l'anàlisi dels danys i beneficis, d'una banda; i actituds com la responsabilitat, el respecte o la integritat científica, d'altra, esdevenen condicions necessàries, atenent a les preocupacions ètiques de la societat. Les institucions juguen un paper important en la capacitació i supervisió dels científics i en el desenvolupament d'una cultura de cura. Aquest document proporciona guies clares i constitueix una referència valuosa, en un context on manca normativa oficial sobre la protecció dels animals utilitzats en activitats científiques.

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          The ARRIVE guidelines 2.0: Updated guidelines for reporting animal research

          Reproducible science requires transparent reporting. The ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) were originally developed in 2010 to improve the reporting of animal research. They consist of a checklist of information to include in publications describing in vivo experiments to enable others to scrutinise the work adequately, evaluate its methodological rigour, and reproduce the methods and results. Despite considerable levels of endorsement by funders and journals over the years, adherence to the guidelines has been inconsistent, and the anticipated improvements in the quality of reporting in animal research publications have not been achieved. Here, we introduce ARRIVE 2.0. The guidelines have been updated and information reorganised to facilitate their use in practice. We used a Delphi exercise to prioritise and divide the items of the guidelines into 2 sets, the “ARRIVE Essential 10,” which constitutes the minimum requirement, and the “Recommended Set,” which describes the research context. This division facilitates improved reporting of animal research by supporting a stepwise approach to implementation. This helps journal editors and reviewers verify that the most important items are being reported in manuscripts. We have also developed the accompanying Explanation and Elaboration document, which serves (1) to explain the rationale behind each item in the guidelines, (2) to clarify key concepts, and (3) to provide illustrative examples. We aim, through these changes, to help ensure that researchers, reviewers, and journal editors are better equipped to improve the rigour and transparency of the scientific process and thus reproducibility.
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              Guidelines for the welfare and use of animals in cancer research

              Animal experiments remain essential to understand the fundamental mechanisms underpinning malignancy and to discover improved methods to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Excellent standards of animal care are fully consistent with the conduct of high quality cancer research. Here we provide updated guidelines on the welfare and use of animals in cancer research. All experiments should incorporate the 3Rs: replacement, reduction and refinement. Focusing on animal welfare, we present recommendations on all aspects of cancer research, including: study design, statistics and pilot studies; choice of tumour models (e.g., genetically engineered, orthotopic and metastatic); therapy (including drugs and radiation); imaging (covering techniques, anaesthesia and restraint); humane endpoints (including tumour burden and site); and publication of best practice.

                Author and article information

                Revista de Bioética y Derecho
                Rev. Bioética y Derecho
                Observatori de Bioètica i Dret - Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética (Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain )
                : 55
                : 55-74
                [1] orgnameUniversidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
                S1886-58872022000200004 S1886-5887(22)00005500004

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

                : 14 December 2021
                : 04 June 2022
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 43, Pages: 20

                SciELO Spain

                Sección General

                Tres Erres, principios éticos,investigación responsable,investigación biomédica con animales,ética animal,Tres Erres, principis ètics,recerca responsable,recerca biomèdica amb animals,ètica animal,The Three Rs, ethical principles,responsible research,biomedical research with animals,Animal ethics


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