Beneficial effects of breast milk on cognitive skills and behavior ratings have been
demonstrated previously in term and very low birth weight infants. Extremely low birth
weight infants are known to be at increased risk for developmental and behavior morbidities.
The benefits of breast milk that is ingested in the NICU by extremely low birth weight
infants on development and behavior have not been evaluated previously.
Nutrition data including enteral and parenteral feeds were collected prospectively,
and follow-up assessments of 1035 extremely low birth weight infants at 18 months'
corrected age were completed at 15 sites that were participants in the National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network Glutamine Trial between
October 14, 1999, and June 25, 2001. Total volume of breast milk feeds (mL/kg per
day) during hospitalization was calculated. Neonatal characteristics and morbidities,
interim history, and neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes at 18 to 22 months' corrected
age were assessed.
There were 775 (74.9%) infants in the breast milk and 260 (25.1%) infants in the no
breast milk group. Infants in the breast milk group were similar to those in the no
breast milk group in every neonatal characteristic and morbidity, including number
of days of hospitalization. Mean age of first day of breast milk for the breast milk
infants was 9.3 +/- 9 days. Infants in the breast milk group began to ingest non-breast
milk formula later (22.8 vs 7.3 days) compared with the non-breast milk group. Age
at achieving full enteral feeds was similar between the breast milk and non-breast
milk groups (29.0 +/- 18 vs 27.4 +/- 15). Energy intakes of 107.5 kg/day and 105.9
kg/day during the hospitalization did not differ between the breast milk and non-breast
milk groups, respectively. At discharge, 30.6% of infants in the breast milk group
still were receiving breast milk. Mothers in the breast milk group were significantly
more likely to be white (42% vs 27%), be married (50% vs 30%), have a college degree
(22% vs 6%), and have private health insurance (34% vs 18%) compared with the no breast
milk group. Mothers who were black, had a low household income (< or = dollar 20000),
or had higher parity were less likely to provide breast milk feeds. The analysis of
outcomes between the any human milk and no human milk groups were adjusted for maternal
age, maternal education, marital status, race/ethnicity, and the other standard covariates.
Children in the breast milk group were more likely to have a Bayley Mental Development
Index > or = 85, higher mean Bayley Psychomotor Development Index, and higher Bayley
Behavior Rating Scale percentile scores for orientation/engagement, motor regulation,
and total score. There were no differences in the rates of moderate to severe cerebral
palsy or blindness or hearing impairment between the 2 study groups. There were no
differences in the mean weight (10.4 kg vs 10.4 kg), length (80.5 cm vs 80.5 cm),
or head circumference (46.8 cm vs 46.6 cm) for the breast milk and no breast milk
groups, respectively, at 18 months. Multivariate analyses, adjusting for confounders,
confirmed a significant independent association of breast milk on all 4 primary outcomes:
the mean Bayley (Mental Development Index, Psychomotor Development Index, Behavior
Rating Scale, and incidence of rehospitalization). For every 10-mL/kg per day increase
in breast milk ingestion, the Mental Development Index increased by 0.53 points, the
Psychomotor Development Index increased by 0.63 points, the Behavior Rating Scale
percentile score increased by 0.82 points, and the likelihood of rehospitalization
decreased by 6%. In an effort to identify a threshold effect of breast milk on Bayley
Mental Development Index and Psychomotor Development Index scores and Behavior Rating
Scale percentile scores, the mean volume of breast milk per kilogram per day during
the hospitalization was calculated, and infants in the breast milk group were divided
into quintiles of breast milk ingestion adjusted for confounders. Overall, the differences
across the feeding quintiles of Mental Development Index and Psychomotor Development
Index were significant. There was a 14.0% difference in Behavior Rating Scale scores
between the lowest and highest quintiles. For the outcomes (Mental Development Index,
Psychomotor Development Index, Behavior Rating Scale, and Rehospitalization <1 year),
only the values for the >80th percentile quintile of breast milk feeding were significantly
different from the no breast milk values. In our adjusted regression analyses, every
10 mL/kg per day breast milk contributed 0.53 points to the Bayley Mental Development
Index; therefore, the impact of breast milk ingestion during the hospitalization for
infants in the highest quintile (110 mL/kg per day) on the Bayley Mental Development
Index would be 10 x 0.53, or 5.3 points.
An increase of 5 points potentially would optimize outcomes and decrease costs by
decreasing the number of very low birth weight children who require special education
services. The societal implications of a 5-point potential difference (one third of
an SD) in IQ are substantial. The potential long-term benefit of receiving breast
milk in the NICU for extremely low birth weight infants may be to optimize cognitive
potential and reduce the need for early intervention and special education services.