Intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a scourge that compromises the rights of many women around the world, shaping an asymmetry in civil rights. Fighting gender-based violence, especially when it is committed by an intimate partner, is an important responsibility that needs to be addressed from all angles. It is also remarkable that our society is clearly conditioned by information and communication technology (ICT), which involves many aspects of our daily life. Unfortunately, violence that is performed in the real world is also replicated in this ‘virtual’ existence, by offenders in ICT contexts. On the other hand, the same technologies also provide a plethora of opportunities to fight IPV, which are enhanced by the innovative paradigm of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). In this work, we first present a thorough compilation of ICT proposals already published—based on either hardware or software—aimed at protecting IPV survivors, and which can be applied in real life situations but also within social networks. The challenges that still lie ahead are highlighted and, a complete ICT-based platform for IPV management, within an IoT framework, that overcomes the limitations of previous works is proposed, and then promoting a symmetry between individuals in society.