Fusion of different imaging modalities has gained increasing popularity over the last decade. However, most fusions are done between static rather than dynamic images. In order to adequately visualize the complex three-dimensional structures of the beating heart, high-temporal and spatial image resolutions are mandatory. Currently, only the combination of transesophageal echocardiography with fluoroscopy allows real-time image fusion of high quality during structural heart disease (SHD) interventions. The use of markers as well as real-time image overlay greatly facilitates communication between SHD team members and potentially increases procedural success while reducing radiation dose and use of contrast. However, to date there is only limited evidence that fusion imaging improves safety and outcomes of SHD interventions. This review highlights the benefits of fusion imaging during SHD interventions such as transseptal puncture and closure of atrial septal defects and left atrial appendage as well as interventions on the mitral and aortic valve.