Both surgical TNM (sTNM) and pathological TNM (pTNM) staging are important clinicopathologic indexes of gastric cancer (GC). However, surgeons and pathologists might assess tumor depth differently in the same patient. To investigate the prognostic significance of sTNM status in patients with radically resected stage pT3-pT4b GC, we examined the relationship between sTNM and pTNM.
Clinicopathologic and survival data of 1289 patients with stage pT3-pT4b GC were studied retrospectively, in the aftermath of radical surgery.
The unconformity for assessing tumor invasion depth were frequently exhibited between sT and pT staging. Comparison of 5-year OS among them, no significant differences were observed (pT3/sT3 vs pT3/sT4a, p=0.962; pT4a/sT4b vs pT4b/sT4b, p=0.508). Also, pT3/sT4b, pT4a/sT3 and pT4a/sT4a were homogeneity in prognosis. We proposed a revised pT stage in which surgical macroscopic T4b (sT4b) was incorporated into the pT stage, namely, patients in the pT3 stage with sT4b cancers were reclassified as being in the r-pT4a stage; patients in the pT4a stage with sT4b cancers were reclassified as being in the r-pT4b stage. In two-step multivariate analysis, revised pT stage proved more suitable for determining prognosis, surpassing both UICC/AJCC pT stage and sT stage as an independent prognostic index.