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      ¿Puede el sustrato ético del "bioprogresismo" justificar un cambio en la política criminal en materia de dopaje deportivo? Translated title: Can the ethical substratum of "bioprogressivism" justify a change the course of Criminal Policy on sports doping? Translated title: Pot el substrat ètic del "bioprogresisme" justificar un canvi en la política criminal en matèria de dopatge esportiu?


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          Resumen A lo largo de las últimas décadas, numerosos autores y autoras han reflexionado sobre la mejora humana, tanto desde la perspectiva de la Ética, de la Filosofía Política, como también desde el prisma del Bioderecho. Como es lógico, esta reflexión aterrizó, de forma natural, en los debates en torno a la mejora deportiva (dopaje). En la actualidad la doctrina se divide en dos grandes bloques: Se encuentra, por un lado, el sector "bioconservador" desde el cual se rechaza la posibilidad de conceder legitimidad (ética y jurídica) a la mejora humana (y, particularmente, a la mejora humana en el ámbito deportivo). Por otro lado, encontramos al sector "bioprogresista" en el cual encontramos a numerosas voces que, bajo determinadas circunstancias, se inclinan a considerar la posibilidad de admitir algunas técnicas de mejora. Hasta aquí, no encontramos nada nuevo bajo el sol. Sin embargo, en el presente trabajo se analiza, de forma particular, si los argumentos a favor de la liberalización del uso de técnicas de mejora humana en el deporte (argumentos "bioprogresistas") pueden justificar y dar legitimidad a un cambio de rumbo en la Política Criminal adoptada en materia de dopaje deportivo (tales conductas se castigan como delito en el art. 362 quinquies CP). Se llega a la conclusión de que únicamente sería posible admitir la descriminalización del delito de dopaje si, a la hora de discutir en torno a la disponibilidad de los bienes jurídicos penalmente tutelados, concedemos mayor peso valorativo a determinados fundamentos liberales (particularmente a los milleanos).

          Translated abstract

          Abstract In recent years, many authors have reflected on human enhancement from the perspective of Ethics, Political Philosophy and also, of course, from the prism of Biolaw. Naturally, this reflection has landed in the debates around sports enhancement (doping). Thus, literature is currently divided into two main sectors: on one hand, there are those who reject the possibility of granting ethical and legal legitimacy to human enhancement and, particularly, to human enhancement in the field of sport ("bioconservatives") while, on the other hand, there are those who are in favor of considering the possibility of admitting it under certain circumstances ("bioprogressives"). Up to this point, there is nothing new under the sun. However, this paper analyzes, in particular, whether the arguments in favor of liberalizing the use of human enhancement techniques in sport (doping) can justify and give legitimacy to a change of course in the Criminal Policy adopted in the field of sports doping (such conduct is punishable as a crime in art. 362 quinquies of Spanish Criminal Code). We reach to the conclusion that it would only be possible to admit the decriminalization of the crime of doping if, when discussing on availability of the legal interest protected under Criminal Law, we give greater weight to certain liberal foundations (particularly those of the Milleans).

          Translated abstract

          Resum Al llarg de les últimes dècades, nombrosos autors i autores han reflexionat sobre la millora humana, tant des de la perspectiva de l'ética i la filosofia política, com també des del prisma del Biodret. Com és lògic, aquesta reflexió ha aterrat, de manera natural, en els debats entorn de la millora esportiva (dopatge). En l'actualitat la doctrina es divideix en dos grans blocs: Es troba, d'una banda, el sector "bioconservador", el qual rebutja la possibilitat de concedir legitimitat (ètica i jurídica) a la millora humana (i, particularment, a la millora humana en l'àmbit esportiu). D'altra banda, trobem el sector "bioprogresista" on hi ha nombroses veus que, sota determinades circumstàncies, s'inclinen a considerar la possibilitat d'admetre algunes tècniques de millora. Fins aquí, no trobem res nou sota el sol. No obstant això, en el present treball s'analitza, de manera particular, si els arguments a favor de la liberalització de l'ús de tècniques de millora humana en l'esport (arguments "bioprogresistas") poden justificar i donar legitimitat a un canvi de rumb en la política criminal adoptada en matèria de dopatge esportiu (tals conductes es castiguen com a delicte en l'art. 362 quinquies CP). S'arriba a la conclusió que únicament seria possible admetre la descriminalització del delicte de dopatge si, a l'hora de discutir sobre la disponibilitat dels béns jurídics penalment tutelats, concedim major pes valoratiu a determinats fonaments liberals (particularment als milleans).

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          Why we should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport.

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            Current anti-doping policy: a critical appraisal

            Background Current anti-doping in competitive sports is advocated for reasons of fair-play and concern for the athlete's health. With the inception of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA), anti-doping effort has been considerably intensified. Resources invested in anti-doping are rising steeply and increasingly involve public funding. Most of the effort concerns elite athletes with much less impact on amateur sports and the general public. Discussion We review this recent development of increasingly severe anti-doping control measures and find them based on questionable ethical grounds. The ethical foundation of the war on doping consists of largely unsubstantiated assumptions about fairness in sports and the concept of a "level playing field". Moreover, it relies on dubious claims about the protection of an athlete's health and the value of the essentialist view that sports achievements reflect natural capacities. In addition, costly antidoping efforts in elite competitive sports concern only a small fraction of the population. From a public health perspective this is problematic since the high prevalence of uncontrolled, medically unsupervised doping practiced in amateur sports and doping-like behaviour in the general population (substance use for performance enhancement outside sport) exposes greater numbers of people to potential harm. In addition, anti-doping has pushed doping and doping-like behaviour underground, thus fostering dangerous practices such as sharing needles for injection. Finally, we argue that the involvement of the medical profession in doping and anti-doping challenges the principles of non-maleficience and of privacy protection. As such, current anti-doping measures potentially introduce problems of greater impact than are solved, and place physicians working with athletes or in anti-doping settings in an ethically difficult position. In response, we argue on behalf of enhancement practices in sports within a framework of medical supervision. Summary Current anti-doping strategy is aimed at eradication of doping in elite sports by means of all-out repression, buttressed by a war-like ideology similar to the public discourse sustaining international efforts against illicit drugs. Rather than striving for eradication of doping in sports, which appears to be an unattainable goal, a more pragmatic approach aimed at controlled use and harm reduction may be a viable alternative to cope with doping and doping-like behaviour.
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              Principles of Biomedical Ethics


                Author and article information

                Revista de Bioética y Derecho
                Rev. Bioética y Derecho
                Observatori de Bioètica i Dret - Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética (Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain )
                : 55
                : 23-53
                [1] País Vasco orgnameUniversidad de Deusto Spain
                S1886-58872022000200003 S1886-5887(22)00005500003

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

                : 14 February 2022
                : 04 June 2022
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 62, Pages: 31

                SciELO Spain

                Sección General

                bioprogresismo,salud pública,delito,deporte,mejora humana,dopaje,bioprogresisme,salut pública,delicte,esport,millora humana,dopatge,bioprogressives,public health,crime,sport,human enhancement,Doping


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