Acupuncture has been accepted to effectively treat chronic pain by inserting needles
into the specific "acupuncture points" (acupoints) on the patient's body. During the
last decades, our understanding of how the brain processes acupuncture analgesia has
undergone considerable development. Acupuncture analgesia is manifested only when
the intricate feeling (soreness, numbness, heaviness and distension) of acupuncture
in patients occurs following acupuncture manipulation. Manual acupuncture (MA) is
the insertion of an acupuncture needle into acupoint followed by the twisting of the
needle up and down by hand. In MA, all types of afferent fibers (Abeta, Adelta and
C) are activated. In electrical acupuncture (EA), a stimulating current via the inserted
needle is delivered to acupoints. Electrical current intense enough to excite Abeta-
and part of Adelta-fibers can induce an analgesic effect. Acupuncture signals ascend
mainly through the spinal ventrolateral funiculus to the brain. Many brain nuclei
composing a complicated network are involved in processing acupuncture analgesia,
including the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), periaqueductal grey (PAG), locus coeruleus,
arcuate nucleus (Arc), preoptic area, nucleus submedius, habenular nucleus, accumbens
nucleus, caudate nucleus, septal area, amygdale, etc. Acupuncture analgesia is essentially
a manifestation of integrative processes at different levels in the CNS between afferent
impulses from pain regions and impulses from acupoints. In the last decade, profound
studies on neural mechanisms underlying acupuncture analgesia predominately focus
on cellular and molecular substrate and functional brain imaging and have developed
rapidly. Diverse signal molecules contribute to mediating acupuncture analgesia, such
as opioid peptides (mu-, delta- and kappa-receptors), glutamate (NMDA and AMPA/KA
receptors), 5-hydroxytryptamine, and cholecystokinin octapeptide. Among these, the
opioid peptides and their receptors in Arc-PAG-NRM-spinal dorsal horn pathway play
a pivotal role in mediating acupuncture analgesia. The release of opioid peptides
evoked by electroacupuncture is frequency-dependent. EA at 2 and 100Hz produces release
of enkephalin and dynorphin in the spinal cord, respectively. CCK-8 antagonizes acupuncture
analgesia. The individual differences of acupuncture analgesia are associated with
inherited genetic factors and the density of CCK receptors. The brain regions associated
with acupuncture analgesia identified in animal experiments were confirmed and further
explored in the human brain by means of functional imaging. EA analgesia is likely
associated with its counter-regulation to spinal glial activation. PTX-sesntive Gi/o
protein- and MAP kinase-mediated signal pathways as well as the downstream events
NF-kappaB, c-fos and c-jun play important roles in EA analgesia.