Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is characterized by clinical presentations described as B symptoms, consisting of fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Intravascular lymphomas are more frequently diagnosed in elderly patients and are challenging to diagnose because of their nonspecific clinical presentation. Malignant lymphomas are recognized as the leading cause of fever of unknown origin. Although random skin biopsy is useful for diagnosing intravascular lymphomas, no standardized method for random skin biopsy has been established. Methods to avoid unnecessary skin biopsies and improve diagnostic accuracy have been investigated previously. Here, we report a case of a man in his seventies with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma diagnosed by skin biopsy targeting senile hemangiomas. The combination of random skin and targeted biopsies of skin lesions such as senile hemangiomas may help avoid the diagnostic invasiveness caused by unnecessary biopsies and improve the diagnostic accuracy for intravascular lymphomas.