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      Analysis of SBO ATWS for Maanshan PWR Translated title: Störfallablaufanalyse für das Kernkraftwerk Maanshan


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          Station blackout anticipated transient without scram (SBO ATWS) is considered as loss of off-site and on-site power but no credit for automatic reactor trip. SBO ATWS causes reactor coolant pump (RCP) trip, loss of all main feedwater pumps and turbine trip, then the reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure rises rapidly due to loss of heat removal paths. The ASME Code Level C service limit criteria of 22.06 MPa (3200 psig) is assumed to be an unacceptable plant condition in SECY-83-293. The simulation is performed by TRACE which is a thermal-hydraulic code developed by U.S. NRC. Three different AFW flows are modeled to ensure the pressures will not be beyond the criteria. RCP seal-leakage is concerned as a SBLOCA due to loss of RCP seal-cooling. Four possible leakage flows are modeled to examine the reactor core water level and temperature variation.


          Ein vollständiger Ausfall der ungesicherten Wechselstromversorgung (Station Blackout, SBO) in Verbindung mit einer zu erwartenden Transiente ohne Reaktorschnellabschaltung (ATWS) wird betrachtet. SBO ATWS verursacht den Ausfall der Kühlmittelpumpen, der Hauptspeisewasserpumpen und einen Turbinenschnellschluss. Durch den Ausfall der Wärmeabfuhrpfade steigt der Druck im Reaktorkühlsystem schnell an. Der ASME Code Level C Druckgrenzwert von 22.06 MPa ist ein unzulässiger Anlagenzustand nach SECY-83-293. Die Simulation wurde mit Hilfe des Thermohydraulik-Codes TRACE durchgeführt. Drei verschiedene Ströme des Hilfsspeisewassersystems werden modelliert, um sicherzustellen, dass die Druckwerte nicht jenseits dieses Kriteriums liegen. Die Dichtungsleckage an den Kühlmittel pumpen wird als Kühlmittelverluststörfall mit kleinem Leck angenommen. Vier mögliche Leckageströme wurden modelliert, um den Wasserstand im Reaktorkern und die Temperaturschwankungen zu untersuchen.

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            ATWS analysis for Maanshan PWR using TRACE/SNAP code

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              • Article: found

              Evaluations of the CCFL and critical flow models in TRACE for PWR LBLOCA analysis

              This study aims to develop the Maanshan Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) analysis model by using the TRACE (TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine) code. By analyzing the Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) sequence, the results are compared with the Maanshan Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) data. The critical flow and Counter Current Flow Limitation (CCFL) play an important role in the overall performance of TRACE LBLOCA prediction. Therefore, the sensitivity study on the discharge coefficients of critical flow model and CCFL modeling among different regions are also discussed. The current conclusions show that modeling CCFL in downcomer has more significant impact on the peak cladding temperature than modeling CCFL in hot-legs does. No CCFL phenomena occurred in the pressurizer surge line. The best value for the multipliers of critical flow model would be 0.5 and the TRACE could consistently predict the break flow rate in the LBLOCA analysis as shown in FSAR.

                Author and article information

                Carl Hanser Verlag
                29 October 2015
                : 80
                : 5
                : 431-439
                a Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu 30013, TAIWAN
                b Nuclear and New Energy Education and Research Foundation, ESS R200W, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu 30013, TAIWAN
                c Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, No. 1000, Wenhua Rd., Jiaan Village, Longtan, Taoyuan 32546, TAIWAN
                Author notes
                [* ] Corresponding author: E-mail: chehao.chen@ 123456gmail.com
                © 2015, Carl Hanser Verlag, München
                : 1 January 1900
                Page count
                References: 14, Pages: 9
                Technical Contributions/Fachbeiträge

                Materials technology,Materials for energy,Nuclear physics
                Materials technology, Materials for energy, Nuclear physics


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