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      Comunicación digital: una propuesta de análisis desde el pensamiento complejo Translated title: Comunicação digital: uma proposta de análise a partir do pensamento complexo Translated title: Digital Communication: A Proposal for Analysis Based on Complex Thought


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          El presente y complejo mundo de la comunicación digital está determinado por desarrollos tecnológicos que configuran nuevas formas de construcción de los mensajes (nuevas narrativas), nuevas dinámicas para la transmisión, distribución y exhibición de esos mensajes (nuevos medios), nuevas posibilidades de relación e interacción de los lenguajes y de los medios con el usuario (nuevos usos y apropiaciones), así como nuevas comunidades de consumidores creadas según intereses particulares (nuevas audiencias), en medio de un ambiente comunicativo caracterizado por la sobreoferta de contenidos. El presente artículo propone una reflexión de la dinámica de la comunicación digital, a la luz del paradigma sobre el pensamiento complejo propuesto por Edgar Morín.

          Translated abstract

          O presente e complexo mundo da comunicação digital está determinado por desenvolvimentos tecnológicos que configuram novas formas de construção das mensagens (novas narrativas), novas dinâmicas para a transmissão, distribuição e exibição dessas mensagens (novos meios), novas possibilidades de relação e interação das linguagens e dos meios com o usuário (novos usos e apropriações), bem como novas comunidades de consumidores criadas segundo interesses particulares (novas audiências), em meio de um ambiente comunicativo caracterizado pelo excesso de oferta de conteúdos. O presente artigo propõe uma reflexão a respeito da dinâmica da comunicação digital, à luz do paradigma sobre o pensamento complexo proposto por Edgar Morín.

          Translated abstract

          Today's complex world of digital communication is determined by technological developments that shape new ways of constructing messages (new narratives), new dynamics for transmitting, distributing and exhibiting those messages (new media), new possibilities for languages and the media to relate to and interact with the user (new uses and appropriations), and new consumer communities created on the basis of special interests (new audiences), all in a communicative environment characterized by an oversupply of content. This paper reflects on the dynamics of digital communication in light of the paradigm of complex thinking proposed by Edgar Morín.

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          Bowling Alone : The Collapse and Revival of American Community

          Once we bowled in leagues, usually after work; but no longer. This seemingly small phenomenon symbolizes a significant social change that Robert Putnam has identified and describes in this brilliant volume, "Bowling Alone." <p> Drawing on vast new data from the Roper Social and Political Trends and the DDB Needham Life Style -- surveys that report in detail on Americans' changing behavior over the past twenty-five years -- Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and social structures, whether the PTA, church, recreation clubs, political parties, or bowling leagues. Our shrinking access to the "social capital" that is the reward of communal activity and community sharing is a serious threat to our civic and personal health. <p> Putnam's groundbreaking work shows how social bonds are the most powerful predictor of life satisfaction. For example, he reports that getting married is the equivalent of quadrupling your income and attending a club meeting regularly is the equivalent of doubling your income. The loss of social capital is felt in critical ways: Communities with less social capital have lower educational performance and more teen pregnancy, child suicide, low birth weight, and prenatal mortality. Social capital is also a strong predictor of crime rates and other measures of neighborhood quality of life, as it is of our health: In quantitative terms, if you both smoke and belong to no groups, it's a close call as to which is the riskier behavior. <p> A hundred years ago, at the turn of the last century, America's stock of social capital was at an ebb, reduced by urbanization, industrialization, and vast immigration thatuprooted Americans from their friends, social institutions, and families, a situation similar to today's. Faced with this challenge, the country righted itself. Within a few decades, a range of organizations was created, from the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, and YWCA to Hadassah and the Knights of Columbus and the Urban League. With these and many more cooperative societies we rebuilt our social capital. <p> We can learn from the experience of those decades, Putnam writes, as we work to rebuild our eroded social capital. It won't happen without the concerted creativity and energy of Americans nationwide. <p> Like defining works from the past that have endured -- such as "The Lonely Crowd" and "The Affluent Society" -- and like C. Wright Mills, Richard Hofstadter, Betty Friedan, David Riesman, Jane Jacobs, Rachel Carson, and Theodore Roszak, Putnam has identified a central crisis at the heart of our society and suggests what we can do.
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            The End of Mass Communication?

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              • Abstract: not found
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              Convergence culture – where old and new media collide


                Author and article information

                Palabra Clave
                Palabra Clave
                Universidad de La Sabana (Chia, Cundinamarca, Colombia )
                December 2013
                : 16
                : 3
                : 673-697
                [01] orgnameUniversidad de La Sabana Colombia german.arango@ 123456unisabana.edu.co
                S0122-82852013000300002 S0122-8285(13)01600302

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                : 06 September 2013
                : 23 September 2013
                : 20 August 2013
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 42, Pages: 25

                SciELO Colombia


                complex,thinking,Digital communication,audiências,convergência,globalização,complexo,pensamento,Comunicação digital,audiencias,interactividad,convergencia,globalización,complejo,pensamiento,Comunicación digital,interatividade,audiences,interactivity,convergence,globalization


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